Gadgetzan: Beach Resort and Entertainment Centre!

Though the Cataclysm had caused devastating destruction to the face of Azeroth, and resulted the deaths of thousands of innocents, Marin Noggenfogger, baron of Gadgetzan, was eager to use this opportunity to start up a new, lucrative business, like any...

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Ruzzle's Experiment

It must have been around midnight when the small goblin darted through the town of Ratchet, sneaking aboard The Stacked Coffer which was docked close to the neutral settlement. Takrin was on guard, but he was clearly rather tired, not noticing as the...

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It was the end of a rather uneventful day, and Takrin was in the bowels of the ships, bored. He'd walked the corridors a dozen times already and was now sitting in the large dining area, drumming his thick fingers on the table. Most of the men had...

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Business as Usual

The capital was just as busy as it ever was, though thankfully for Zohaar most of the hustle and bustle was contained in the Trade District. The enormously-built draenei made his way through the human city of Stormwind toward the Cathedral of Light,...

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The Island Ruins

The sun was high in the sky, it must have been around midday by the time The Stacked Coffer had came to a stop beside the small island. The captain had decided he, Khyed and Tharyn were going to explore the nearby ruins while the rest of the crew...

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An Evening at Ironbrew's

Ironbrew's, possibly Ratchet's most popular tavern, always filled with rambunctious locals and inebriated travellers. It was owned by Daddy Ironbrew, the famed dwarven adventurer-turned barkeep, who always welcomed anyone in need of ale, whatever race...

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Nathaniel's Mission - Part 2

Rin'ji glanced down at his bountiful bosom, a mixture of his and the night elf's thick seed still splattered across both behemoth jugs, "Heh, ah guess ah should clean up," he grinned toothily, making tracks toward the large washroom the ship was...

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Nathaniel's Mission - Part 1

The young swabee of the Duskrunner Bandits had finally made it aboard The Stacked Coffer, peering around at the oversized expanse of deck around him. You see at that moment the young human rogue was about half an inch tall. His captain, Garret...

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Welcome Aboard!

"Gah! Why today of all days?! I'll smash that stupid alarm clock to pieces if it costs me another job!" the goblin cursed as he darted through the neutral town of Ratchet, running towards the dock as fast as his legs would carry him, a pained look of...

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Meet the Crew!

| | | As you step aboard the large vessel, a huge man is there to greet you. The human is stacked heavily with muscle and is at least two feet taller most others of his kin. His hair is a dirty-blonde and he has a neatly-trimmed goatee upon his...

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Man-Time in the Barracks

The Valley of Strength: Centre of Orgrimmar, the bustling capital of the Horde. People of all races under the red banner were there, chatting, training or simply visiting the always-busy Auction House. Taerik was there for quite a different reason...

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Gadgetzan: Focal Point of Fashion!

It was yet another beautiful day in the large resort town of Gadgetzan. The dashingly-attractive blood elf, Taerik, had spent much of the last couple of days swimming, but today he decided he wanted to get himself a new suit, given the port-town was...

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