Not as long as that hairy ball-sack smacked and slapped and caressed his butt.
Mak 6B
A hungry kiss made his nuts start to swell again, as did a thumb teasingly caressing his sack.
Mak C
\*ohgods\* toe-claws teased his knot, the leathery skin caressing his throbbing shaft, sliding up and down, while the toes flexed and squeezed his shaft. the male was giving him fetishes he didn't know existed!
Demon-Ass 2.txt
He turned and kissed master roughly, hungrily, caressing the white ball-sack, rubbing it against his own dark-furred one.
Light's Caress (Night part two)
It's been almost one month since the day I was bitten by Silver, the werewolf that gave me a new life, a better life. I personally decided to join their ranks as an apprentice to Silver and Shadow, learning their culture and ways. I have met many...
Hypnovember 2023 - Caress, Craving, Serenade
Their tail caressed my head and slid along my throat - somehow their thick, powerful body still tapered down into something thin and dextrous enough to slip between the coils of my tail. "you want me to sing for you again, to caress you again.
And they lay together, the human deep in his rear, the firm hand softly caressing his erection until he spooged the damn towel up.
Provence 1
She closed the door and all of them walked past the big rabbit with the so hot brown butt, giving it a caress and a pinch. the wife just laughed and slapped it, as naked as he was and smelling very nice.
Then there was only a hot rabbit, panting in my arms as i caress his naked ass, squeezing it, teasing his leaf-shaped appendage... one thing about rabbits - they have little tails.
Dare Ya
When all he did was grunt, the bruin closed her fingers on the pole, caressing it. she was doing it! she was actually touching a guy's dick.
And they lay together, the human deep in his rear, the firm hand softly caressing his erection until he spooged the damn towel up.
The Booth Revised - Part 2
So much to kiss and fondle and caress." and the male did just that - nuzzled and kissed and caressed his belly until his pants almost burst open.