Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 17 | Chip
chip lets out a heavy sigh. "my name is chip...no last name just...chip. i'm not good enough to have a last name." "that's ok chip i don't have one either." meadow blushes the shaymin giggles while slowly looking away.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 20 | Chip
chip questioned. "its not a bad thing you know, being readable." basil says as she gives chip a little hug.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 27 | Chip
chip pouts. she wasn't lying as chip felt a gust of wind on his underside that made him shiver. life can be so unfair sometimes. chip and hathor stop their play as they hear kyuubi calls for them. it was time to keep moving.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 24 | Chip
chip chuckled to himself for a moment thinking of his last thought. "doing his business on them." chip had to wonder why his mind was in the gutter at a time like this. chip secretly wished this nidoking was a nidoran.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 23 | Chip
Looking cool chip." "this is crazy..." chip says as he looks himself over, his fur was kind of nice. inari returns to her battle pose. with a nod chip does the same.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 28 | Chip
chip smiles. "you'll be dead when i get through with you." tusk grunts. chip gets kicked from behind falling onto his face. "chip!!" basil and cassius cry. "what's your problem?"
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 7 | Chip
chip asks. "i never leave home without it." hathor smirks. "granted when it comes to chip, i almost never need to worry about using it..." "savage..." shawn blurts out and chip's face drops. "i...i think i got burned..."
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 3 | Chip
``chip...'' ``chip? hearing that makes a little hungry for a chip...chip.'' jerry slides chip another drink. ``welcome to tail lifters though, we like to serve our drinks and dancers strong.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 1 | Chip
chip asked but before he could possibly get an answer the world turns white.... "chip...chip.....chip would you wake up!" the voice of his upset girlfriend hathor brought chip out of his afternoon name.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 31 | Chip
We see chip shortly after their talk with kira. the group creates a plan going forward and prepare to fight for the freedom and safety of mysticfell. # chapter 31 - chip chip wondered if he should 've gone after alister.
Stress Relief
chip asked as he pulled out and slammed back in. chip pulling back pulled tony's cock out of vince and when chip slammed, tony slammed into vince. both moaned in pleasure. "mmm...