The Imperial Family: Building an Empire in a day

Ulmir's wedding night wasn't exactly how he had thought it would be, he was supposed to be married to a assertive male, good for sex and raising children, but right now he was outmaneuvered by the shadow tribe, and a crafty passive bull that was his new wife

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COMMISSION: "Crisp's New Shoes"

It wasn't long before a small crowd had formed, strangers watching as crisp sat in a mix of agony and ecstasy while the crafty fox made his sales pitch.

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Ep22-Freeing the Celestite Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

It was then learned that the leader of the organization was a crafty person from off planet. their goal was to turn mezzanine into a factory plant and grow rich while also industrializing the planet.

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The Foolish Toads

The crafty avians sent them a stork. who then proceeded to consume them all. wise aesop told this tale, its wisdom rings 'tis better log, than stork is, as your king. written by me © creative commons 2016

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MF-Ep1-The Intro-

Personality- flirty/daredevil-ish and creative/crafty name- dominique bernard age- 16 appearance- 5'11 skinny badger with blue eyes and brown hair personality- cunning/observant and very intelligent name- scott wyatt age- 15 appearance- 5'4 buff scottish terrier

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 24

crafty heart had fallen asleep while hidden heart was re-reading the book crafty had bought for her, again. sage heart was drifting off to sleep when a loud honk from the vehicle's horn roused him. he stood up and peered forwards.

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Bird's Eye View

Reedy grasses hide crafty prey. either domain, mine for the taking, shared with a select few. bird's eye view. my metal sides shudder and creak. ding! fasten seatbelts please.


Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens

Then he was of again before long he came to a big circular room and as he entered the door behind him closed and locked the walls began to closed in suddenly he was lifted up off the ground, shattering the illusion of the imaginary space crafty and it's zombie

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Pokemon Sun and Moon Vore Tournament: Round One

The participants were greeted by a cheering crowd; a devious persian, an elegant ninetales, a crafty decidueye, an alluring tsareena, a graceful midday lycanroc, a majestic lunala, a mysterious mimikyu, and a friendly drampa.

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Reference Sheet - Alexos Drausus

• considers himself pansexual, but mostly leaning towards guys general info: character's favorite color: silver greatest strength: in addition to the usual craftiness and guile of a fox; he has preflex, a kind of sixth sense that tells him


My Fursona (Alexos Drausus)

• considers himself pansexual, but mostly leaning towards guys general info: character's favorite color: silver greatest strength: in addition to the usual craftiness and guile of a fox; he has preflex, a kind of sixth sense that

Break A Leg Chapter Two

She was just as crafty and smart as any raccoon would be, and after several seconds of silence marcus grinned and spoke softly. "let's get some vegetables to go with that too."

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