i.Tied (The New Hook Up App!)
However, knot hotels have been established in the hopes of allowing for safe and relaxed environments where parties can meet and engage in safe, consensual, sexual play in a third-party environment that promises safety.
Veniferium (Incomplete)
When exposed to high frequency forms of radiation such cherenkov radiation, it retains the energy, constantly releasing it into the environment whilst supercharging the crystal to spread even more rapidly.
Candy Forests
To sustain this diabetes-inducing paradise a lot of water and resources are need, yet bennettitales do just fine in semi-arid environments.
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 4: A Hasty Fortune Telling
"environments are scattered at seemingly random by the terra formers. you will note a thin, shimmering blue aura separates one between the other.
Project Tiamat- Prologue
Species were refined in space for specialized jobs, hostile environs, and in some small cases, strictly for cosmetic purposes.
Catnundrum. Chapter Four.
"it's for the environment." rob smiled, tag wagging hopefully. "if we don't," his ears and face fell. "we're killing the environment. do you...want to kill the environment, simon?" the cat frowned at that. "shut up and grab the loofa."
Common Plain
It made her envious of their environment...and their bodies. she took off her shoes and sat at the edge of the pool with her feet dangling in the salt water.
To reflect my environment. i was an amputee before i was amputated. the world spins. i gaze at an orange glow. i see worm gears. i see worm gears slithering across the ground, one is crushed by a pendulum.
Another World's Lijialaowu
The wanghudun formation spans the late paleocene and early eocene represents a flood plain environment, likely seasonal in nature.
The Day when Placoderms flew
Flying placoderms quickly spread unto both marine and pelagic environments, colonising inland freshwater rivers and lakes where even other fish couldn't reach.
Dossier: Shadow
A simple spell cast in the ethereal plains could have devastating effects on the caster and the environment but shadow managed to not only survive in his hostile environment but thrive as he mastered magic on such a scale as to be able to harness enough energy
Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 2
He strode through the surreal, but tranquil environment. above was a purple-tinted sky with scattered clouds. there was a most drizzle of rain, but nothing substantial.