Wasp's Sting 5
"she's a powerful necromancer, as strong in her magic as the dark queen estrasa was in hers, and we had an army to fight against her." tik tik waves her hand, and the magical force shoves cynwrig aside, allowing her to pass.
Into the Deep 1
I serve estrasa!" the creature bellows, pulling hands away from what used to be a face and stabbing at the dragon's wrist. "i saw her. she was at the tournament, just like you were, pretender, usurper!"
Bee Stories 9
"you are familiar with estrasa, the dark mistress of transformation." she finally continued. i wondered if she was ready to speak her once so-pressing words.
Lost Ones
"they call themselves estrasa's children, and they're not just after you."
Gonz's Communion 1
#13 of estrasa's tower gonz is a kobold priestess of the goddess xasandra, but a recent run-in with a dark sorceress has left her without her power.
Zozafina vs. Chanda Part 1
I may be an admirer of estrasa's, but i am my own woman. now, wave that magic wand of yours and let this first challenger of mine be defeated with haste, chop-chop!" she clapped her hands.
Vijaya's Journey 1
#28 of estrasa's tower kret has had a long and trial-filled journey from a lowly slave and prostitute to becoming the crime boss of a big city. but, she knows life isn't going to be easy, and she has to make some big decisions.
Dissassociation 3
#25 of estrasa's tower kret is a kobold whose life has been one of hardship and trouble. but, things turned her way once she used her magical power to overthrow a crime lord.
Disassociation 2
#24 of estrasa's tower kret is a kobold whose life has been one of hardship and trouble. but, things turned her way once she used her magical power to overthrow a crime lord.
Gonz's Bro 2
#12 of estrasa's tower gonz has made a startling discovery in the unexplored reaches of her home- her best friend from when she wasn't who she is now. but he has been transformed into a monstrous dragon. can her healing magic help him out?
Gonz's Bro 1
#11 of estrasa's tower gonz, the kobold sorceress and cleric of xasandra, has had a wonderful life since her transformation into the wonderful matronly figure she is today.
Draykan's Test
While he waits, he keeps his eyes upon the scrying broadcast of the most recent battle between cornel and estrasa. while he should be cheering on his student, he finds himself wondering about the hermaphrodite dragon creature.