Mending - Spying in the night (excerpt)

Not of anger, nor pained, more of... frustration? he doesn't seem to have trouble fitting his fingers in his hole, but looking between his legs, i can see he is not nearly as erect as i thought. i suppose fingers aren't cutting it.

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Getting the Heart Ready.

Time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time... Did not said "good bye". Did not gave a try. Everyone feels pain (sometimes, you feel pain). Everytime it rains, everytime it claims that I'm...

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Born This Way: Chapter 9

I glared at my own reflection, my angry amber eyes meeting me as i curled my lip up and let out a frustrated growl.

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Toni's Diary Entry #6 - Peanut Butter Theater

Everybody has that one friend that they just say and do stupid shit together, and they laugh because that person is just someone you can be 100% unfiltered around. For me, back in elementary school, that was my best friend, whom we're going to call...

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Fantasia para Andy Skunk.

The warm day felt nice against Yure's fur, as he bathed in the sun rays that penetrated through the window. He had his eyes closed and Andy close to him. He sighed deeply, both bored and slightly depressed. He felt like he wanted to do nothing, but...

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The Fort Grayshell.

I pet the front a bit, feeling somewhat frustrated for not finishing my fun, but i had to follow liontari. i put my urges aside, got dressed on the robe, left the bathroom and could catch liontari on the way.  

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The Digital Chronicles, Journal 1

_My life changed that day I was_ walking down the Shinjuku beach next to the ocean. My name is Joshia (Joe-sigh-ah), and I'm fifteen. My family--blood-related, not adopted--is dead. Everyone. My blonde hair was shaved into a mohawk, and my sparkling...

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Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 8

~ ~ \* ~ ~ late that evening lance and ben left the kitchen both frustrated, angry and victorious.

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Why Cold Turkey Doesn't Work.

I tried to hold myself there for the longest as possible, but my frustrated body got the best of me.

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I was getting deperate and began sniffing, grabbing some of my hair with my right handpaw, frustrated for not getting the relief i so needed, yet my cock kept begging for release while i was distracting my handpaw with my headfur.

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A Frustrated Horse: Part 3

Afterwards his wolf did what he did every night: he left the cave for wes to sleep and to come back the next day frustrated. it wasn't like he was frustrated and needed to be 'taken care of'. his wolf seemed angry he lost or couldn't find something.

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A Frustrated Horse: Part 2

#2 of a frustrated horse sorry for the delay, but here is part two! hope it was worth the wait, and hopefully the final part is also worth it! thanks for reading and sorry if there's a ton of awful mistakes!

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