I want you closer
Usually, he wouldn't bother, but even if he wanted to appear uncaring, he also wished to look dignified for mccloud.
Starfox: James's Confession
"shit, is that mccloud? starfox james mccloud?" "look at how small he is! man, that's disappointing..." "i bet he doesn't get laid much..."
Regret Chapter 8
"this boils down to you not wanting me to date bill because _you_ think i should be with fox mccloud. peppy, i know you've raised fox for quite some time. sometimes, you even put fox mccloud before your _real_ family members.
Starslut: A Dragon's Pets
The dragon laughed when he saw the look on mccloud's face. "recognize him, mccloud?" he asked. he was just a couple feet away from fox when he stopped and let the figure he was carrying drop to the floor, on his back.
Across a Hare's Distance
mccloud's son, fox: he was training in the academy. peppy was pushing thirty-seven, but he had to father james' son. peppy's name was in the will. he would've done it either way. fox mccloud would lead star fox.
I'm Not a Hero...
Then, a pause: "fox mccloud," he announced, raising his voice as he adopted a battle-ready stance.
Chapter 21: Marcus
"mister mccloud. is there anything i can do? any way i can provide you relief?" fox shook his head tiredly.
Chapter 20: More Happy Occasions
Now he found himself standing in a room full of legends and being introduced to the mcclouds. the most he was able to say was a weak, "uh...hi..." while he shook fox mccloud's hand.
Starfox: A Contest
Peppy churred deeply, hands gripping fox's waist as he pushed forward and slowly, slowly penetrated mccloud's body.
StarFox's Revenge
"ladies and gentlemen, we have a very lobsided fight between fox "starfox" mccloud and jacques "crazy foot" rueben." soon enough, though, the anger boils over for fox mccloud and he just can't remain calm anymore.
Chapter 30: Catharsis and Renewal
Sensing their curiosity, akina answered the mccloud's unasked question.
The Fox Spa
An old commission from an anonymous commissioner, requesting a scene with fox mccloud, a big bulky james mccloud, and the random (un)lucky furs who winds up with(in) them.