In The Name Of Love.txt

He gave her a nod before she watched his eyes going down her body again, excuse me, but can i at least have your name too? it would be a little more respectful that way. he looked up and gave her a blush, sorry, names veedway. veedway constantine.

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Yet to be named.

And he walked on, lost in despair, wandering in the darkness, and wallowing in grief. The pain that had etched itself onto his heart, sorrow taking his soul in every step, and suffocated his hope until it was nothing more than a faded dream. He had...

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In the Name of Science!

In the name of science * * * chapter 1 brief moments of falling and the rush of wind followed by a hard landing on her long fall boots, chell was exhausted after what felt like a day of these 'tests' she was forced to figure her way through

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In the name of science

"well you look big and strong, my name is doctor tala venus, follow me please." how fitting her name was too, wearing a blue single piece dress with a mid-thigh skirt, soft white fur, bright blue eyes, she was beautiful at that time, but alexzander, of course

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Terminology and Names

Continuing the trend of him choosing names based on personal preference and to the exclusion of any other considerations, he named the island chain and complex after his plushie, which is indeed named and modeled after mine irl.

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the names max. . .

The red wolf said her name was samantha she had yellow eyes and some other fetaurs that would make any wolf hell anyboday go wow the wolf sighed"fine im done you wont let me explain you wont let me talk fine. . ."

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'Brand' Name

Well, his name, for what it's worth, doesn't matter anymore. because what he is encompasses so much more than any single name, or act we could possibly perform.

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Name Game

#2 of magic of names a continuation of magic of names with nary a sound, the ancient dissolved into dust, leaving behind his vast hoard and a shaken erent.

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The Magic of Names

I don't know when the magic of the name was forgotten or not passed on, but i do know that the naming conventions of our kind have remained and thus the power in those names too.

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A Horse With No Name

"what's your name? can you tell me your name?" the horse took his hand out of his mouth with a wet _slop_. he smiled ear to ear, fat globs of drool pouring out of his now-obviously toothless mouth. _"aaaahhhh..._ _bwaaahhhhh...

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The Naming Day

"you'll each get a gift that we chose for you specially, as well as...your names." the hatchlings' eyes were wide. "it's your nameday, darlings!"

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Abominable Snowman -- Names

\*shrugs\* in my head, i kept hearing the abominable snowman monster from monsters inc. complain about his name. thanks for reading.

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