Leaving Heaven (Spring Story Contest Entry)
He was soft, plump in the middle, with jet-black eyes and a wide, wispy stripe of bleach-white hair that he swore was naturally occurring. that, combined with the round ears and tiny snout, made dragon adorably unassuming.
False Wildness
Trees arranged in immaculate rows to emulate nature's reign. but to the cracks in the pavement, man remains blind.
The Wolf
#2 of poetry when i see nature, i think of the wolf whose eyes always shine bright beautifully with its gentle howling and bark of woof and fur that glistens with immunity.
Hike #1 preview
The deer didn't necessarily agree with his new friend's selection when he finally caught up with the tiger, sitting on a wide flat rock abutting a creek burbling a perfect sleep machine burble. The big cat sat with one leg crossed and the other...
Fresh greenery surrounds My head, so full of sounds. Singing birds, lovely words Echo all around. This is where I am, for now, though society I must bow To a life of insufferable strife I'm left to wonder, "How?" Not only this, but...
The Young Wild -- chapter 4
He was a natural-born leader, bred to fit the part. you know it, too. then i fucked it up. it all could've been okay. but cad . . ." she bared clenched teeth and her fur seemed to bristle, then almost gasped, ". . . cad!" she suddenly looked up.
Rose Flare
Thorns that entomb the day. Catching all that stray. Scent that snares the soul. All shall pay the toll, or pedals crimson red. Shall cause burning dread. Now be set free from your bonds, and incinerate the grounds. Feed the ruby breeze. Just...
Rose Storm
Thorns that envelope the night. Slashes everything in sight. Sent as sweat as honey. That entices the beast's tummy. Pedals tainted blood red. That dances with no sign of dread. Now be unleashed from your bonds, and fall to the grounds. Lifted...
The Wolf of the Night
The Wolf of the Night By Foxpiper Oh, wolf of the night, what darkness you bring, Your howling announces the setting sun; Over sacred forests where your brethren sing, To the rising moon, a wondrous one. As a child of Fenrir, I see in your...
Prologe of the Fox
I would've died if it wasn't for the forest and it's inhabinints, who nurtured me back and taught me to live as a protector to nature. it's been three years since then, and i've changed immensely from the broken, tortured person i was; i evolved.
Creative Writing Prompt #2: Nature Scene
We were given a nature topic, which was to be our title, and told to write descriptive imagery about that nature scene and given about 40 minutes. here's mine.
Black Tea (Pt. 1)
That wasn't to say that nature had never demonstrated its remorseless wrath: plague, famine, drought, and a grim variety of brutal natural disasters have claimed countless lives and homes indirectly by nyaesira's hand.