(Dawn) #003 - Down on the Farm
Willow's hand shot forward, pointing towards the pidgey. "eevee, use your tackle attack!" as the eevee charged towards the pidgey, aria made up her mind.
Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 7
pidgey soon appeared, flying just in front of me. "pidgey, blow our new friend all the way to cerulean, would you?" "pidge!"
The Celadon Incident (Pokemon TF/TGs)
The last scene would be the one with the pidgey, and to ensure it looked real they opted to use a real one. the pidgey would be courtesy of an unknown trainer.
Ch1: Nova and the Vaporeon
The pidgey was keen. she caught the near inaudible yena noises and confirmed with a slight node. she started floating his way, when a sudden beam of rainbow light shot directly past the pidgey.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 8 -Rocking with the Rocks
Hakuzo exclaims as he calls out pidgey. the pidgey flaps his wings and sends a strong gust at munchlax, but barely phases the small pokemon. the munchlax attempts to counter the attack with a lick, but pidgey dodges the attack easily.
Red's Adventure (4) - A Journey Begins
Go, pidgey!" red shuddered as the pidgey attacked. he shook himself and reminded himself that this was real, and that he needed to get a grip. he couldn't be caught up by an old dream now.
A Seed of Doubt
Adrian sat pidgey on the ground and then dropped to his knees. "what hath this war done! our own children are forced to kill!" pidgey squawked out as he was enveloped in the evolutionary glow.
Rat Hunt
Tat, the rattata scurried through the forrest, trying to lose the angry pidgey follwing him. now, you could argue that it was purely his fault he was in this situation, but rattata would counter it's the pidgey's fault for laying such tasty eggs.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 9
pidgey tries to use gust against the staryu. the water pokemon keeps swimming around and attempts to shoot a water gun at pidgey, but misses. pidgey switches tactics and uses whirlwind to pull the staryu out of the water.
Pokemon Isekai Journey Chapter 6
Sure enough, yuna ran around below the pidgey, who was having a hard time keeping it's eye on yuna. yuna jumped into the air digging her hind claws into the dirt. she managed to hit the bird. pidgey wavered, "pidgey use gust."
Arcanine's Daily Drabble Chapter 5
I look up to see the same little pidgey hop down from branch to branch, to land right in front of me. "yeah, i'm okay little guy~" the pidgey nuzzles my muzzle... "yay!
The Way Things Are Chapter 2
The pidgey shuffled a bit where it stood, but otherwise just continued to stand there expectantly.