At the same time, he felt his arms move by themselves as the plastic forced them into a default position as it changed him. there was very little left of himself that he could move as the plastic seemed to slow over his chin and speed up on his arms.
The Playtime Doll Factory (commission)
They let go and his arms stayed there, restricted by the plastic shell. down from above came a dress that matched the plastic panties, mittens and booties all too well.
Vivian's Watermelons
"i've had my heart broken before, i let you go twice and if i have to be covered in plastic instead of shadows to confess my love for you than i'll become some plastic doll." mario took a deep breath.
Closing Shift
The effect was almost immediate, the plastic tightening to his core and sealing him, no trace of organs or flesh as it's strange, semi-pliability gave way to full plastic rigidity.
A Fucked-Up Garage
The wires were bent and twisted, but dug into the plastic covering of her little body with painful ease, crinkling and cracking the plastic in several places already. wincing as she pulled on it, she shook her head and glanced down at herself.
Catch your Breath
Luka tried to breathe in shallowly, and had to resist the urge to whimper as the plastic crinkled and sucked in around his nose.
Ivan's End
Give'em the bag, boys" ivan's eyes went wide as he heard the crinkling of plastic. a clear plastic bag was pulled down over his head and pulled tight below his jaws, another quick twist of cord tightening around his neck to keep it in place.
Stuck Forever
The little girl cried and her tears turned her fur into plastic, hard plastic. the bear said "you chose well cara." at this point i was sobbing also.
Miami Iced Tea
Her vision was granted only by the shades; her eyes having been sealed over by the plastic long ago. her plastic hair became rigid; having no flexibility anymore the solid plastic hair and cat ears were the only real hint of her old life.
This was a special diaper, more like a suit than just a strip of plastic and some padding.
Nephi's Treatment
The plastic pants looked like they would slip down if nephi were to stand, but jacob was already on it. jacob opened up his pda. he clicked on the locking plastic pants administration icon.
Making Waves
He started to pick it up around it's waist when the now hot plastic seemed to stretch under his paws. he gently squeezed it, then realized that it was an oversized dinosaur!