Chapter 37: Resolutions
Chapter 37: resolutions after having been gone for months, it felt strange for fox and his family to set foot inside the mccloud family estate. word though did reach their local friends and neighbors that fox had returned.
Myu Years Resolution
It wasn't like she was in any rush though, she had the rest of the year for her new year's resolution, and she was just going to take it one day at a time.
The First Penitatas - Resolution
_Big thanks to Professor Bob for the series cover art. It'll be retroactively applied to all the stories, but this is the first one to get it!_ * * * When Sam finally woke up, the first person she saw was Skal. For the blonde Kyyreni girl the road...
Resolutions - Epilogue - January
So, i've finished the final part of the 'resolutions' story, and it feels good to finally finish this project.
Night Out
He promised to mateo, one last time, that he would fulfill his new years resolution. fin, sheercontest 2022
Resolutions - Part 7 - July
Part 7 of resolutions is finally here. i know it's past july but at least it's now up. i hope you guys like it.
Everwinter Ch31: Test of Resolution
# chapter 31 - test of resolution ## mage academy: dormitory talwin eased the door open and looked to the sides. he saw corridors with evenly spaced doors that stretched into the distance.
Resolutions - Part 6 - June
Here's part 6 of 'resolutions' resolutions (part 6) june: pride and joy by al song june 28th, 2015 before my mom left for manhattan i spent the past month taking the bus to visit her in kenville each weekend.
Resolutions - Part 5 - May
We started new year's resolutions and we've been helping each other keep them." "what was your resolution?" "well, mine had two parts," i said. "i wanted to make more friends and i also wanted to get healthier."
Resolutions - Part 4 - April
Here's part 4 of 'resolutions.' it's a shorter chapter but i also i hope everyone still likes it. it's 'ex'plosive (in more of an emotional sense).
Resolutions - Part 3 - March
Here's part 3 of 'resolutions.' sometimes parties aren't always fun but what are you supposed to do when you're miserable at your best friend's birthday party?
Resolutions - Part 2 - February
"i'm being social and that's helping me with my new year's resolution," i said. "oh yeah, you haven't broken your resolutions yet," arvin teased. "we plan on keeping each other in check," nathan said and put his fist near me. i bumped it with my own.