Dark Lord Substitute 7
Until the attack happened, he was going to start working on scripting new commands, new indoctrination programs. if nothing else, that faceless interrogation might keep those scripts from popping.
Miss Terry (Comic script)
This is one of my first tries at a comic script._ miss terry page 1 (five panels) a solitary character stands in front of a seedy bar on a dimly-lit street.
Script - Gritpaw and Peakwood Roleplay
The script is in my habitual short-hand, incomplete, and some of the lead-up deviates from what actually made it into the chapter i posted to sibling x girlfriend 6, but those of you who are into d&d (or one of its staggering array of off-shoots) may find
web comic test script
This is a test script of a comic i would like to do as a web series that would come out maybe every other week or once a month. any constructive cretinism would really help thank you for looking.
Zootopia movie script: .223
This is a movie script for zootopia called point 223. a sniper terrorizes zootopia and the zpd. zootopia movie script .223 a walt disney / malpuso production ( c ) zootopia 2016 walt disney pictures. all rights respected.
[Hypno Script] Falling into trance
Hey Draco, I guess I got you off guard again, huh? I believe you know the drill whenever this happens, when you looking straight into those bright purple eyes of mine, focusing on the centre of the endless spiral, as you attempt to find when the spiral...
Emoji Arithmetic
That way jake could avoid the long delay between receiving the picture and sending out the next script.
My transformers 3 ultimate evil emerges script idea part 5 here is part 5 to my transformers ultimate evil emerges script idea of mine that i've been working on thus far.
Dr. Jackie and Mistress Heidi: Beginning
Jackie loaded her premade script and set it to run, not bothering to give it a second glance. she'd written and proofread it so many times she could recite the entire script from memory at this point.
Bolt vore: Cruel cat's dinner
"you know, we should probably get rehearsing with the new script we got" penny called as she watched bolt run yet again, wondering what exactly was going in her head to think up such evil, delicious thoughts. perhaps it was that script...
Pretty Plastic People
He had originally begun work as a script supervisor's assistant, climbing through the ranks until he finally had a script get noticed by some edgy director looking to do shorts.
That's a Wrap! 3
The third one had led to any script-change meetings having to be done officially with both studio owners present.