Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 28
The event horizon of the initial singularity would likely be far enough out to engulf the qech hub, destroying it instantly.
The Silver Masked Sol
Pain and pleasure mixed in her mind into a singular ecstatic haze as he pounded her insides again and again, pressing deeper and deeper with every thrust.
Hearth Star: Warrior of the God-King
He bellowed and powered up the singularity field generator in his trident, starting to waddle towards the fray.
A Charade No More
Charade's singular eye blinked a bit in surprise. _why are you concerned for me? i am no longer truly human.
The Universal Tournament Part 2
"we are still heading towards the singularity," steggs said, clicking away that the computer. "if we don't do something, we will be crushed in under a minute."
Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 8
"based on all the data i've gathered; i'd say there's at least an 86% chance that is a custom-built containment unit for a gravitational micro-singularity."
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.12
The tractor cut off instantly, synthetic gravity redirected in an attempt to contain the growing singularity within the ship's hull. as she rocketed away horizon watched a section of _resolution_'s hull explode when the singularity evaporated.
The Holder of Schizophrenia
You must now reach into both skeletons' singular eye sockets simultaneously and extract the object. one skeleton's singular eye socket contains the object, while the other skeleton's contains an unspeakable abyss.
6 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 2
Science tells us that the universe exploded out from a singularity many billions of years ago. but many will tell you that was too random, and the universe as we know it is too organized for that. its a great debate that takes place even now.
Valentine's Treat
She leaned back against the singular pillow sitting in a purple fabric on the wall. her eyes focused on violet prodding at the slim rear end with a singular claw. "i meant exactly what i said, em.
The Skeleton
"it is a truly shame, he was a very singular man.
Futile Love
It is their misfortune then that other tribes seek their singular resource. for uncountable generations, the panthers have risen to meet their rivals in warfare.