Jade Nocturne

Even though it was well past midnight, the street was bustling with activity; people were coming and going and meeting with friends and potential love interests. The neon signs that hung over the various dancing and drinking establishments lit up the...

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Girth of the Magi

Once upon a time, as is typically how stories like this begin, there existed a world of magic and mysticism, sorcerers and wizards. The very building blocks of creation were easily molded by the best and brightest of their time. It could have been a...

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Gifted Exchange Part 2

Damon could barely contain himself as he drove down the road. Fortunately it was only a few blocks to the mall. His mind was racing with ideas of how and when he would reduce the bully even further. He wanted a crowd though. He wanted a huge crowd. He...

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Gifted Exchange Part 1

Damon trudged through the front door of his house and began to kick off his shoes, muttering under his breath all the while. "Welcome home, honey. Did you have a good day at school?" Came his mother's voice from somewhere else in the house. ...

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Patreon Monthly (August): Cuuurse!

Reuben leaned over the desk and stared intently at the various bits and pieces of artifacts that were spread out before him. Somehow he would have to make sense of all these chunks and shards, but it was going to be a difficult process. It would help...

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Troy trudged dejectedly into the gym and up the stairs to the weight room. He couldn't believe that his mom was making him start working out. It wasn't like he was even out of shape. Troy's slim, slender physique didn't have an ounce of fat on it...

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Above Average Part 17

Kyle was actually a little surprised at how easy it was to get John upstairs and into his apartment. The stairs had creaked under the weight of the massive, muscular linebacker and his six feet of schlong, but they had held well enough. The hard part...

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Patreon Monthly (July): Gooed Friends

Jackson stood before the large, steel double doors that lead to the old, run-down annex of the Chemistry building. He was starting to have second thoughts as he stared at the old, dilapidated doorway, but he knew he couldn't back down now. He had...

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Big Things Come in Small Packages.

Jeremy sat on the edge of the large, queen-sized bed and fidgeted nervously. He silently chastised himself and his nerves. There was no reason he should be this freaked out. He had been looking forward to this moment for weeks... well, longer than that...

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Kadmo Sees Results.

The hot, steamy downpour from the gym showers felt amazing against his sore muscles, but Kadmo couldn't afford to spend too much time in the locker room today. The huge, burly lion reached over and turned the knob to shut off the shower and then...

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Commissioned: No Dick Days Part 2

Chet was curious about what Joe's big secret was. He had never known Joe to hide anything before, but throughout the entire time that Chet spent finishing up, washing his hands, and even walking back to Joe's apartment, Chet's huge, brawny pal would...

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Commissioned: No Dick Days Part 1

Chet was one of, if not the hottest guy on campus, and he knew it. He had Chestnut brown fur, piercing blue eyes, and a windswept brown mane. At 6'3" tall and just over 200 pounds of dense, sculpted muscle, Chet had a body that would make a gay porn...

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