The Family He Never Had Part 4

People go to the zoo and see the animals in these habitats, but that's not the only reason why they go to the zoo.

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The Latex Zoo: Field House

"the sun is just up and the zoo isn't due to be opened for another hour and a half, people really must want to see this latex zoo as much as we do," says sera.

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POV vore - you and an elephant

The problem arises when you wonder if the zoo would pay you to be their peanut mascot too. you sneak the thing home, show it to the guy at the zoo gate and what do you know, they say they'll pay you for a half day and see if it sells snacks.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 6 of 37

It was late afternoon by the time we left the zoo, dodging most of the mid-day heat only to catch the radiant heat that had collected in all things rock and metal.

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Project X (Ch. 1)

The zoo was out in the suburbs and wasn't too far away. the zoo however was pretty massive, a good 300 acres. on his commute he noticed the highway was confusingly clear. that is probably in part due to the heated pavement the province installed.


I Love a Parade

So.... now i have, and it didn't cost the zoo a dime to do it. you did loose a couple thousand goodwill points for the zoo when you announced the parade wasn't going to happen.

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Anima: The Zoo Intern Chapter 2

The zoo today was slow, with low attendance, and i could find a few guests to talk with and answer basic questions.


The Rise of Serpens: A Job at the Zoo

"hello, wild at heart zoo, cynthia speaking." came the voice. "yes, this is chris, i'm calling in regards to the application for work at your zoo, specifically the job working with reptiles." he waited hopefully.


A Night at the Zoo 1: A Roaring Success

"well," said lu with a grin, "maybe, if you're very, very good, i might treat you to another night at the zoo some time ..."

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Where The Wild Things Are, Birds of a Feather

The zoo had a hodge-podge of animals, some of which were specifically purchased, and others that had been obtained as surplus from other zoos or animals that had been confiscated from private owners.

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Going to the park

The saint fur cub zoo would never be called a great place to work, ever.

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Flappy's pilgrimage

Flappy tells the truth, "the petting zoo i worked at closed down and i decided to go on an adventure." bernice the duck asks, "petting zoo? your one of those sellouts."

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