A Year Later, Wounds Still Lie Open

Well, today kind of snuck up on me. Today was an anniversary of some sort, I suppose. Today... Today marks a year of my life without Him... What is a pet? A pet is an animal that you feed, bath, and take care of. They add to your house's livelihood......

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Existence: introduction

Existence: Introduction. Seattle: It's rainy, dark, gloomy and cold, a perfect place for Johnny Trevino. Of course, it's not the only city he's been to. Johnny was what they call a 'runner,' someone who is constantly switching between cities. But...

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Speech 4. The Fear Of Dying

As it is, we all have our fears. But a fear that is impossible to crush, a fear that has been living on through thousands of years, is the fear of dying. One by one, one after another, people will always continue to perish. We try to put meaning in...

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Giving part 1

It was a cold Fall night. The wind blowing the leaves from the trees. Classes finished for the week; most of those who remained on campus walked here and there packing or getting ready for thanksgiving. It was three days away. Most are spending it with...

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Akuma's FanFic

Akuma's RP Based FanFiction * * * Table Of Contents 1. Intro 2. Preview 3. More Info 4. Links 4.1 Social links * * * ...

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Alex stood nervously behind the old tree by the bleachers. His palms were sweating. His nose was cold too, but he couldn't focus on that today. It was lightly snowing, and he'd gotten the secret signal from his friend Seth. He stood there rubbing his...

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Heritage of Ash, Chapter 3: Telling the Tale

"So, let me get this straight, Mahr..." Durris began, his ears lowered by equal parts curiousity and concern. "Turin is the one responsible for having the Pavok clan's name in our language? Not sure how to feel about that really..." "No doubt. Pavok's...

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Surviving A Mostly Human Highschool (2/-.-)

His entire walk home, people stood up from lawn work and sniffed at a peculiar smell, making him blush and keep on walking a little faster . Only a little ways till home he kept telling himself, home and privacy to figure out what's going on. With...

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Entwined - Prologue

_Day Zero: Ento_ _Crunch..._ Ash. Ash was everywhere. It coated the grass, the plants, and even what was left of the homes. It had been a few days, and yet, the ash continued to fall. It wasn't heavy, almost snow like, but there was enough of it to...

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Zetaz the Bitch Imp

The imp falls to the ground, finally defeated by the champion. He coughs up a bit of dirt, glaring at him with eyes full of hatred. "How? How could I have been defeated by you?! TWICE!! I worked hard to get to where I was! And you ruined EVERYTHING...

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Dragon Balloon Day Submission: The Cosmic Lantern

You are in the company of immortality when you encounter the Cosmic Lantern. Do not, however, fall to the deception of its name. It is not the moon, the sun, or any other celestial body. Although it may see the end of such galactic wonders, it is...

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