The Barlif Mannor ( Chapter One )
Taking place fully within the same world as the hoard, the barlif mannor was a more focused look into the deeper aspects of their world, following suit of a a particular young man who found realization in something far more darkly than they let on to be.
The Hoard
I take very good care of my hoard."
For the Hoard
And, as he had managed to, at the very least, keep up with the wyrin in sex, he was a part of his hoard, not just his gold, something to be lusted after, coveted and, above all else, hoarded.
Extreme Hoarding!: The Dragon
About the story: this is a spoof of a hoarding documentry program (ex. hoarding: buried alive, hoarders, animal hoarders).
021 The Dragons Horde
"that's quite a hoard you've got there," notes sethkill, admiring all the precious metal on display, rings and bracelets and torcs and stuff.
Dragon Balloon Day Submission: The Cosmic Lantern
With their penshin for hoarding, all sorts entered into that collection. that includes breathing room. that includes years it expects to spend upon this earth. "collecting" is sissy talk for hoarding.
A Dragons Hoard
A young fox seeks to reclaim what was once his from a dragons hoard while the beast is away.
The Dragon's Hoard
They had come across the dragon's hoard, "dear lesithus..." germirtus muttered. it was the most glorious thing that felis had ever seen, as a thief it was his dream to find a dragon's hoard.
Hoarding Love
Their lips met, their breaths joined as their tongue swirled and danced. The tangle was so wondrous, the taste of her lips luscious and enthralling. She had everything for her; she was everything for him. Her delicate perfume filled his nostrils with...
Hoarding Housemates
Pay out of his own hoard? well... if he was in charge of renovations he could make himself a permanent bed that was more comfortable than one... but... what was this about a collar?
In the Dragon's Hoard
His eyes were large snake-eyes, the size of ale cups, and they were glowing with the same golden glow as emanated from his hoard.
Hoarding Tendencies
He'd have to spend most of his time lounging on his hoard to keep from digging his horns into the underside of the floor upstairs. and laying down was exactly what he wanted to do with such an expenditure of magical energy.