SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance
cleo ignored her, because she was only one of many.
950 Tactical Demolition
cleo tosses one to him as his hearing finally starts to return properly.
905 Encachement Theory
He leers cheerfully at cleo. (it's still totally inconsistent with his normal character, but cleo is used to being leered at happily and so takes it as something of an improvement.
Frostpaw is going out on hir first date with cleo. what adventures will they have?
Axel & Rena Part 17 By: Renatamer
Each time cleo shivered beneath him, his cock jumped.
Halloween Rantings and Ravings...
"come on, cleo, time to head home." cleo padded before me as i shut off the lights and locked my office door behind me.
330 Restricted Entry
(cleo writes 'not until i had to fill out this form').
380 Dark Places of the Earth
"damn, this is huge," exclaims terrowne, as cleo whistles, because he can't. who knew a cat could whistle?
Educational Opportunities
When i rose from where i had been sleeping, cleo got up as well and headed to the bathroom. terry spun his head around to look first at me getting dressed, then at cleo padding off.
682 The Squirrel From Hell
_ cleo punches her. it's rather nicely calculated, as punches go.
681 Gratuitous Tentacles
cleo takes a quick glimpse of her own and sees exactly what he means.
200 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya
Whilst out shopping in the market district, cleo and terrowne spot an unidentified sethuress and give chase, but lose her in the crowd.