Azazidazal's beginning

* * * * * * fifty three years i have been in hell.

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CP-02 Farm Filling

It was one thing to be associating with hell hounds and other hell denizens on their terms in exchange for keeping your life, but playing with a god specific power bothered him. but spiritfang was a healer herself.

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CP-01 The Jack of All trades

Asked the son of the alpha hell hound to the hell hound from the hell furnaces. "you heard me, southfang," replied the fiery former slave hound.

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#2 of tears -don't be discouraged if you are then others will be too- to- everyone from- j.m # atonement at the gates of hell i stand, ready to enter as a man, sought out by the evil here, it shall find me without fear.

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Under a Burning Sky

The world is screaming now. The sky is painted in the colors of a dying sun. Apocalyptic winds scorch the land, spreading ashes far and wide. The oceans boil and rumble, steam washing over the shores. The heavens are burning. A figure stands...

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The End Pt2

Him, christ, who judged all, had looked so very sorry that, despite having lived a good life i had to go to hell. time distorts in hell, your torment is meant to be forever and, so, your time here feels such.

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A Journey in Hell - Chapter 4 [Gluttony - Part 1]

But in order to fully master illusions, one must tap into the powers of hell itself. the very ability of casting illusions came from hell, the very concept of bending someone's will originated from hell itself.

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A Journey in Hell - Chapter 1

"but you mustn't forget that you and i have been assigned to eliminate those who wander into this circle of hell. tell me, what made you suddenly wish to go on an adventure?"

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The Seeker, Chapter 38, part 3

Sit down and have a drink captain, i sure as hell need another one."

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Endless Love

#1 of endless love chapter. 1 lilac it's hot down here the fire spiking high, it's always so dark and vicious i guess that is what hell is after all. it's a huge dark mysterious place actually. i sigh, i'm so bored of all the same screams and pain.

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Wretched Beast

Come with me back to hell, give me your body and your soul now. in hell you will be able to find 'mates' no matter what form you take." mark hung his head, he had expected something like this.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 21 - Dance with the Devil

Stepped forward he trekked across the last plane of hell. soon he came to it, the great towering chain in the center of hell. it stretched up for miles into the sky. reaching out he pressed his hand on the chain and suddenly heard a hoof behind him.

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