In response to asmodeus' question, ariel looked down at the angel sword in his hands, then up at asmodeus. with four words, ariel sealed asmodeus' fate. "expect, the unexpected...dad."

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The Corruption

asmodeus ordered jaden. jaden, utter putty in the demons hands, put asmodeus' penis in his mouth. jaden adored asmodeus' giant muscle in his mouth. it was the feeling of total submission.

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Ariel nodded his head in agreement to what asmodeus said. "it has been a while asmodeus. you know why i'm here right?" asmodeus nodded his head in response to ariel's question.

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Nigel Settles Down

#2 of rio nigel makes good on his favor to asmodeus. jewel watched with wild eyes as nigel's entire head disappeared between asmodeus' jaws. she opened her mouth and _squawked_, her terrified struggles as useless as ever in the snake's coils.

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Captivity Pt 2

She could not bring a child into this world from her womb after it had been defiled by a creature of asmodeus' ilk.

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Abyssus Abbey Chapter 16: Lust Knight

asmodeus showed his white fangs in a grin. tuco's cock flexed once more, color blushing through it. it deepened to a dark red, like the color of asmodeus's own flesh.

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Workplace Bonding (8/8)

asmodeus asked. "master asmodeus," carter replied, his voice wavering from the pleasure he got from his submission.

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Fairest Scarborough (Alphabet Superset A)

asmodeus' bedroom greeted her. incandescent light illuminated her world, but she only had eyes for one thing. a black and brown reptile. asmodeus' angular face eyed back at her.

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Nigel's Debt

"one moment, asmodeus," nigel said, bobbing his head as he approached the trapped macaw. "i just want to give jewel my proper good-bye." asmodeus hissed, but pulled away again, flicking his forked tongue rapidly.

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