The Prophet Prologue

**Prologue** The deluge of rain continues to fall in the night as a figure pads down the street, turning his collar to the cold he tips his hat and keeps walking the wind whistling past his ears. He checks his surroundings not seeing a single soul...

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[BRIDGE] ~ We're Different

~" the kid looked at me with a deadpan face, almost as if it was something of murderous intent. "uhm.." well, i better give her what she wants, if i know what's good for me. "yeah, juuzou. we're.. f-friends."

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Chapter 1: The Burden of Truth

"i know you're not accusing one of my officers of murdering one of their own." "well, under normal circumstances, i wouldn't.

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Its midnight. The full moon shined through the window as he stared up at the ceiling fan. He can't sleep, he keeps thinking about that deer. So small and fragile. She trusted you He rolls onto his side to stare out of the window. He begins...

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(C) Highway Disciples

**Highway Disciples** By XP Author Traffic was fairly light, all things considered. Especially for noon an a Friday. The highway was a wide, four lane road on both sides that circled around the city itself. There were still plenty of cars on the...

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(Dream Journal) The Janitor is a Murderer

Posted using postybirb (title) the janitor is a murderer (author) rachelthefictionkin (date) saturday, may 4th, 2019 (content warning) bullying, mild violence, mention of murder i was on the city bus coming home from school.

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Murder Moves to Suprenum 2

Murder Moves to Suprenum Chapter 2 By Draconicon Mato woke up the next morning pleasantly stretched and slightly sore, but with none of the usual throbbing that came with being alone for a night. The crow stretched his...

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Murder Moves to Suprenum 1

Murder Moves to Suprenum Chapter 1 By Draconicon Mato Kiyoshi joined the other passengers disembarking the passenger liner arriving from the western side of the Mediterranean, and the crow's feathers reflected the...

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Murder Moves to Suprenum 5

Murder Moves to Suprenum Chapter 5 by Draconicon They didn't keep to the alleys for long, just long enough to get around the main crowds of the day before reaching the subway station. Spore just hopped the barrier,...

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Murder Moves to Suprenum 4

Murder Moves to Suprenum Chapter 4 By Draconicon A week passed since his arrest, and no further consequences followed. Mato knew that he should have been grateful for Mr. Bonifacio's help with getting out of that...

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Murder Moves to Suprenum 3

Murder Moves to Suprenum Chapter 3 by Draconicon _He almost couldn't believe it. Here he was, getting offered a contract by Bruno Bonifacio himself. Mato looked down at the paper, shaking his head in disbelief for nearly...

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Leviathan 08: Murders & Acquisitions

He's a man who would kill without much reluctance, if it suited his goals, but only then; he murders to acquire, whether it be finance, security, or leverage.

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