Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 111 to Fallarbor Town

Before i could even reassure him rotom happily updated my pokedex with swalot's entry. "swalot has been registered to your pokedex. swalot the poison bag pokemon a poison type. it swallows anything whole.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 75

They had my pokedex reveal some stuff i said about them, about feelings and all, what i think about em'.

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A trainer's story [01]

I opened my pokedex and checked the map to find the way to the nearest pokemart.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Seafoam Islands and Fossil Restoration

"shellder has been registered to your pokedex. shellder the bivalve pokemon a water type. its hard shell repels any kind of attack. it is vulnerable only when its shell is open."

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Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh

Martha pulled out her pokedex and scanned sunflora. "sunflora, the sun pokemon. it gets energy from the sunlight and is known for its habit of chasing the sunlight." since i still had my pokedex out, i scanned chikorita.


Just a Game? - Chapter 2

"do you have a pokedex? you need one to register," joy said. my eyes widened in surprise. i had forgotten all about needing a pokedex for registration.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Contest Debut

"minun has been registered to your pokedex. minun the cheering pokemon a electric type. it cheers on friends. if its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks."

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Journey to another world ch11

Man i really wish i could see what type of pokemon this was, but i couldn't since i had left my pokedex back in the tent with the rest of my gear.

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Three)

Diane took out her pokedex and read something on it and looked up at kyler then back to her pokedex. "looks like we win," said branden. he closed his pokedex and diane got something out of her bag.

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Just a Game? - Chapter 3

Still eating with my left hand, i grabbed my pokedex out of my pocket with my right hand, opened it, and pointed it toward the pokemon to get information on it. "ludicolo, the -" the pokedex said.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.16 - Detective Latios On The Case)

When david found the link he was looking for in his pokedex, he select the link and waited for someone to respond.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Kanto Pokedex

"exeggcute has been registered to your pokedex. exeggcute the egg pokemon a grass and psychic type. its six eggs converse using telepathy. they can quickly gather if they become separated."

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