Lakeside Encounter

The proboscis was super flexible, stretching enough to envelope his torso. within seconds, his entire body had been completely inhaled, and he was stuck in the wide upper portion of the extremity, lodged in place with no air to breathe.

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Its coating worn away by the journey through the rabbit's proboscis. with the task completed, rick's tongue withdrew from xander's head. the fur where it had writhed its way inside was matted and the blood had already clotted.

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Ending with a Cutting Remark

As it was, she liked the feeling, leaving him bemused by her sudden interest in his proboscis. he had to suck in air when he could as her passion grew to new heights.

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A Magical Evening

Until his mouth reshaped and turned into a long proboscis and the only thing that could be heard were his new wings. short, spiky hairs started appearing all over his bare green body and his yellow eyes obtained a darker shade and lost their pupils.

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Unlucky Mission

The lady looked behind her, streamlining as a bloated form on eight crablike legs came into view, the bloated body a mess of bulges, and with an insectile head with a proboscis. "that's it?" "be quiet, please?"

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - T is for Teratophilia

Long, spindly legs unfurled like a butterfly's proboscis, carrying it upon no fewer than a dozen crab like limbs, though obviously softer and more malleable given how they had been folded in upon themselves before.

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It was a well rewarded deed because just in that moment another worm comes through the only entrance to the launch pad and pulls cheryl in its mouth, face first, locking her in with four large proboscis.

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Frontier Product Testing - Part 4

Percy growled contentedly and gave felekar's knot one last, long lick as he pulled off, his proboscis sliding back into his muzzle.

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The Lyrken Beetles : Double Crossed

proboscis?... forced its way down his throat. the lubricating ichor that coated it was sickeningly sweet and undeniably foul at the same time, and within seconds he felt a wriggling in his stomach.

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Barnyard Sorority

Both flies landed on the horse's rump in tandem, unaware of the animal they stood on as they extended their proboscis, salivating over their meal before sucking the dissolved manure into their waiting mouthparts.

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Containment OYH Shaylor

But only from one teste... and with much more force than normal from the extra sucking of the wasp's proboscis. she roared, her cum rushing through that strange muscular tube, which rippled within her cock and prostate.

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Seven Days to the Wolves

Everyone remained still, frozen in shock, as the prodigious proboscis floated over the crowd towards the thieving raccoon.
