Barred: Chapter 5

5 The closer to their apartment the two got, the harder the rain fell. It slithered down buildings in rivulets, struck their faces like tossed pebbles, and made it near impossible to navigate the streets through. Vaughn didn't mind getting soaked,...

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Barred: Chapter 6

6 Nomac sulked behind his espresso machines--Old Bessie I and II--and fiddled with the strings of his apron. The hulking, brew-spitting monstrosities blocked his few of any customers standing just on the other side of the counter, and he was glad...

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Track and Field: Part 23 - I Will Wait

Sasha This chick... "Kelly? How do you know us again?" I asked, trying to keep pace with the ermine. "Lee," she simply said. "How do you know Lee?" "Ren-Fair." "Ren-what?" I heard Red panting. I kept forgetting he couldn't keep up with us. I'd...

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Barred: Chapter 2

2 Nomac was never sure how to feel about the bar. He had things he appreciated about it--the dull lighting, cheap drinks, and horny guys for instance--but he had things he hated about it more--the horrible music, cliché celebrity photos on the walls,...

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Barred: Chapter 1

1 It was dark and cold and rain was slogging down in fat plops against the sidewalk. Nomac hated the rain, and it wasn't just because he was a cat...well, _part_ cat. Cougar and coyote, he was, but more coyote than anything. A joke, really. He...

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LOS: "It's About You"

Jasper was lost in his own jubilant thoughts. The cougar's long tail was looping and popping against the side of the sofa where he lay sprawled over its entire length, and his eyes were clasped firmly shut--lips frozen in a grin--as he imagined all of...

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Track and Field: Part 22 - Hey Now

T_his isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening._ There was urgent, soul-piercing beeping from somewhere. A weary-eyed Lynx doctor rushed down the sanitized corridor, whipping up the stale smell of disinfectant. He didn't even glance...

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Track and Field: Part 21 - Demons

Red _"RAAAAARRGHHH!"_ _Lee comes at me--a blur of cobalt blue fur and white fists, his eyes red and trailing crimson vapors. My heart quivers. My legs quiver. My arms shudder as I somehow get my paws up in time to block his furious punches. The...

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Track and Field: The Haunt - Part 2

Red "Thanks, Cap," Aaron sighed as I handed him back his head. He drummed his fingers awkwardly along the cardboard as I stood smirking at him. "I know, dude. Don't rub it in." I threw up my paws defensively. "No, no - I didn't say anything." He...

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Plain-walker: Chapter 2

2 The fire was nice. Out on the outskirts of the town, near the border of the plains but within the cover of the Direwood, it became cold--fast. Darkness was approaching, and the warmth would be much appreciated when the night reached its peak. Fire...

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Plain-walker: Chapter 1

1 Snow drifted lazily down from the heavy grey, overcast sky. Flakes had been falling for the past week since Ruik finally crossed into the north. The expansive forest surrounding him--called the Direwood--was blanched icy-white, the trees all bare...

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Track and Field: Part 5 - Conall

Conall "Thirty-two to twelve," I scoffed proudly, looking left and right for any oncoming traffic before pulling out onto the highway. "It was a massacre! The Knights were spectacular! You were spectacular!" My eyes and ears swiveled to Lee in the...

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