Said lewis savagely like all men. "now brah, that fucking ex of yours sent me to get the things to operate the dog" arthur said, but sacredly he lusted after the creamy tainted uterus.
Explanation of Rules
The first one to put down all five fingers has to drink | | 6 | dicks | all male identifying players have to drink | | 7 | heaven | all players point towards the ceiling.
Prince Of Bear-ya: A Talespin Fanfic
"yes all males are bare chested in this country," bernice said pointing out the window "and all females wear bikini tops, our weather is much to hot for us to wear anything else."
Interlude 1: Journal Entries
all male. most of them became slaves, but a few were kept as prisoners. curious, i approached one with his food and he began to teach me his language and his ways. we did this in secret, but he is not the one i need to be with.
Illumanati's Diary Sex
Number 1: all males must use protection at all times. number 2: we don't have to do anything that we don't wanna do. number 3: my flower isn't to be invaded by a penis. but it can still be rubbed. number 4: no means no.
Swans and Women
So far all men who have tried were slaughtered by the witch. no, not slaughtered but turned into her guard dogs that protect her and the swans. she roams at night to kept watch over her little birds. making sure no one comes near them.
Value for Money
Coffee, dark and bitter, smoke, old and dangerous, bacon, sweat and meaty, and male, all male. the skunk pressed back with his tongue and leaned forward, his hands resting on the wooden bench between them as the lion started to pull away.
That's an all-male strip club. the owner and i need to discuss some business. then, i was going to hit the sanctuary for awhile. the sanctuary is a private recovery center for 'special' subjects.
Become the true you!
"they're all men..." he muttered, somehow jasper heard him and smiled at him. "you'd be exactly right my friend, you are all men. you see i find that if you were to be taught with women you would all freak out so i made sure to separate your classes."
Gay Dino World
He punched up the life support for the remaining tanks and told the machine to set them all male..
My Kind of a Guy
"sir, do you think that a suit and a tie make all men look great?" bonnie said.
Lykan Invasion 5: Integration
Lykans are all male but we find other races and fuck the so that we can turn them into lykans. that's why when we made the deal with the government, we told them to give us males of a specific breed. just all men. "we were happy to take them."