Adamant: A New Dawn

With a smile on my face, i ran out of town using my new running shoes to go top speed. i had a couple of her spare pokeballs, some potions, and a number of contraceptive pops in my bag.

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Bottom Bench

He puts on new clothes - shorts, sleeveless shirt, and running shoes, all red - and heads outside the house to see her doing a few warm-up stretches; she's wearing the same clothes that he is, except hers have more wear and tear and they're blue.

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Cops and Robbers

He wore running shoes and blue jeans and a black shirt with a blue vest over it. his eyes were a stunning blue and the way walked gave off such amazing authority. he held his blaster towards the cat as she held her hands up, feigning innocence.


A Different Kind of Wet Dream

The clothes that evens picked were a pair of baggy blue jeans, a grey shirt that was a size larger than what he was, a pair of decent running shoes, and a backpack that held the remaining items as well as a black hoodie for when things got cold.

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Life Beyond the Stars

Lilly slipped into a striped shirt, pink panties and a pink skirt with white running shoes. "these will do. thank you." lilly smiled hugging jessica. jessica was surprised by the hug and hugged back. "that was surprising.."

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Personal Trainer

He walked into the gym wearing a pair of running shoes, socks that came up past his ankles, a pair of gym shorts and a tanktop. abel immediately went to work, finding a spot at a bench press and beginning to lift.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 31

He pulled out the clothes from the bag, three pairs of jeans, a dozen shirts, most white, a couple blue and one black. another pair of running shoes. he stopped when he came across his badge and piece.

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Iskossa University - Where Micros Learn Their Place

When sovrim complained about it, startide gave a half-hearted apology and joked that perhaps his tiny roommate would find his running shoes a more appropriate home. sovrim grumbled and dropped the subject for now.

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Sunnyside Up

In addition to the running shorts, the cat also had a tight shirt on, and soft, brightly-coloured running shoes.

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 15

She put on a pair of running shoes and looked at herself in the mirror. she realized she'd lost a couple of pounds and the jeans and shirt were a little loose. she'd gain that back eventually.

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FInding Happiness at Hartham High

He was wearing a long white shirt with bluejeans and running shoes, all of witch bought with his own money and from a high quality clothes store. he rustled his hair in the mirror and stormed out of the bathroom for the history classroom.

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At Home With the Roommates

The tired polar bear was carrying a black backpack over his right shoulder, matching his black running shoes. a tuft of slightly blue fur was sticking out of his shirt, right between his pecs. he nodded at the otter, smiling.

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