Dog eat dog
As he yelped in pain, another sharp jolt of electricity shocked him, leaving him in muffled pain and fury.
Date Night
Cassandra shuddered as she sat in the fancy restraint with Red. Not out of nerviousness from the date itself, but of what would be happening during and likely after. Cassandra had taken up Red on his challenge, all she had to do was sit through the...
Attribution Error (M/M) (Pt. 8 of "Under The Devil's Eye")
Every second or so, peter cried out and strained as the electrical pulses hit straight into his prostate. hawk stared up and down, from cock to face, giddy inside and wrenched with that crooked mean grin. peter admitted that he wanted it?
One Good Turn (ConFuzzled 2010)
Dad had always fancied himself an inventor, playing with the most modern of technology - except for electricity, which almost everyone else ignored these days as well. a truly unstable substance, it could never amount to anything.
The wand sent a hum of electricity over his skin, making the fur around it stand on end. although fumoso had thought the previous sensations were amazing he was now blown away by ombra's new trick.
Spring '09 Vore Project: The Abduction of Audio
Realizing it was not his fear but sharp, tingling jolts of electricity that made him try to arch his back. his hips jerked, the hot flare of electricity close to his lap as his heart pounded in reaction.
Kael and Jacob girlfriends pt 2
Instantly, jacob felt a surge of electricity run through his body. his mind was still trying to deal with the dull ache of his right ear and this did not help at all. his cock also received the shock but it hurt more than it pleasured.
The controls on the cage were electric and no amount of ed's own electricity could short circuit them. ed had tried a hundred times. when ed wasn't so riled up rowan would talk to him.
Playing Dog 2
Also note that the electrical torture employed in this story is highly unsafe and irresponsible, and should not be attempted in real life. enjoy.
Clearing his throat feral said, "restraints, light whipping, spanking, choking, electricity, heat, cold, light pain, toys. no pee, burning, open wounding, claws to face or genitals. safe word...halt." t-bone nodded. "agreed. change places?
Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 5)
Chapter 5 Shaun's P.O.V Callum stroked my tail, "You have such lovely fur, it's so smooth and clean." He said teasing me, his scales felt weird as they combed through my fur occasionally getting stuck. "Could you just hurry up and fuck me? I have a...
Operation Raimi
For hanging from the harness was a yellow dragoness with a variety of pin stripes marking her to be of an electrical breed.