Sam's Guilt

Sam pushed open his bedroom door and was about to lay back down, when he felt his eyes gravitate toward something. a picture. he didn't know why, he'd seen it a million times before, but this time, he reached up and grabbed the picture above his bed.

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I flip, showing him my butt, while my right hand-paw gravitates down to my penis. - just do as you please - i say -, nothing too kinky. a massage, touching, fondling... rubbing and that's it.

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980 The Rockslide

"how it works is... well, fuck if i know... but the point is it makes coherent gravitational waves that then scatter when they hit a large mass object..."

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880 Full Moon Night

"most of the female werewolves will be trying hard to get knocked up under perfect gravitational conditions." "you're right, i probably should stop by and lend a hand," agrees cleo.

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Descent Chapter 12 & Epilogue

_"warning: gravitational stability deactivated. re-entry in eight minutes. please evacuate the space station.

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The tourist guide Chapter 2

The comet would have went on on its way if not suddenly an enormous gravitational shockwave together with a burst of high-energy particles had hit the three kilometer big ice-ball.

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Natural Science- Tidal Pools

By that time, of course, the tide would have switched in response to lunar gravitation- water would flow in from the sea, concealing underwater caves aand filling up these pools with water and the life forms that depended upon it.

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But earthly dances must at some point end, and the pair gravitates toward the dance floor's edge, their orange frenzy turned lavender. white is the hand of the cute little fox towing jeremy past the bar.

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OR: Keturaga

The keturaga have a mutual interest with them, as the little devils do as well; the interest is mainly based on the fact that gnolbolds have draconic blood within their veins that causes the two races gravitate towards one another when they happen to near.

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Legacy - The First

Their gravitational fields pulling him in all directions, but keeping him in place.... the staffs embedded in the center of each anchored the holes to leviathan, preventing him from moving or being pulled in, but keeping him forever in place.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, End Book 1

Paladin lift in stasis following severe tissue damage sustained as a result of acute gravitational stress. paladin mechrat in stasis following tissue damage sustained as a result of damage inflicted by paladin lift." "and the pilot?"

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A Skeptic's Folly [Gift short story]

It instantly gravitated onto his penis, fully encapsulating it. blaze tried to pull the cage off, but a clicking of a lock froze it on his dick, he was completely unable to move it even an inch.

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