Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds

Only one way led out of the caverns and to the final descent to the bottom of hell.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 16 - Greed and Anger

The swamp was actually the second great river of hell. the river styx which ran through the fifth rings of hell. "well how do we get out of here? there isn't a path," maia stood at the waters edge.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 11 - Acheron

"so will we have a guide in hell?" sora asked. "yeah if we get lost you can't hold that against us," sayomi yawned. "yes he's actually still with maia," he motioned to her.

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How I got Damned - Viscious Cycle

Demons are normally shackled to hell and doomed to remain in hell forever, until judgment day. i will give you and yours the opportunity to leave hell and enjoy your retirement in another place.

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Daemon Possessor

Earth and hells time are two very different things. 1 day on earth is 1 year in hell. so 1 year on earth is 365 years in hell. so hell takes eternity to a new level.

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Maid of the Mansion - Part 1

"hell? this is hell!" leila considered her response; "not quite. this is the edge, the world of shadow, where light and darkness merge and separate.

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The Ultimate Pleasure

If it was a 'disease' it was a hell of a nice one to have.

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Goat Butt

"but, but, why the hell would i want a goat pussy and tits!" i said. "hell if i know, grackxa said, humans are weird." "but, but, please, i don't want this, please take it back! i don't want to be a girl goat!"

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The Gates of Hell, Chapter 5, WURM, part 1

The gates of hell, chapter 6 wurm, part 1 by william w.

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Welcome to the Herd

Each 'domain' in hell has its own specialty product or service, and hers was animal husbandry, they bred meat animals for the larders of hell.

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Lost Paradise

The goat was angry, i understood that there was a procedural flaw for my admission to hell; he led me straight to the entrance of his estate, with a last hug, burning like hell! yeah! not surprising!

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Crumbs

All they can call it is hell. a boarding house with no apparent exit. a demented menagerie of lost souls and demons. when they aren't looking for an exit, the lost souls are having their skin ripped off them from angry, wandering fiends.

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