Death In The Holy Land: PROLOGUE

Syria is engaged in civil war, iraq is unstable and has no interest in us anyways, egypt has been friends with us for years, and jordan is too close to the united states to risk anything."

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The Wastes- Chapter 7: East into the Sunset....

In the middle east, iraq had undergone a heavy power trip, spurred on by a leader who was never officially named. the determined and well-armed militant forces of the land spread quickly, taking the surrounding land by storm.

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I Know It Has Been a Long Time

I was sent to iraq on a tour of duty with the 1st armored back in 2008. operation iraqi freedom eh? i was only there for four months before a roadside bomb went off and blasted my convoy to bits. two guys were killed and i was injured badly.

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Bearing up to it Part 4

"we all came with him, well, i was still in iraq, but came out here since dad moved the business and moved in with claude" rory says smiling. teddy looks thoughtful.

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CHPT.6 The Metal Eagle

Nbsp;the metal eagle far in the distance we heard a humming noise, i leading the group, ordered everyone to halt with one swift hand movement, i checked my map and it sounded like it was coming from camp bastian, the biggest military camp in iraq

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Political Corruption

Obama promised the american people that he would withdraw troops from iraq and then afterwards stated that he is going to move those troops into afghanistan instead of having them return home.

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Advent, Introduction

Bush told us that it was a matter of time before we achieved peace in iraq. the news predicted a dip in the economy come the fall months. in mathematics, everything has a reason for why it is the way it is.

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Henry's Lesson, Part 1

"listen son when you calm down i'll tell you a story about an incident which happened to me when i was over in iraq" the cat said softly.

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Cahpter 3-Firedrake Xalanth

"i fromed it with lung wei and nolan xaiver scott after they rescued me from death in iraq,were here to get all the dragons who want out of project draco out and expose the project for what it is." "so what about you brother?" taro asked.

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Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)

A coup in iraq brings it into a new dictatorship. war is declared between pakistan and india, and egypt and israel.

The Hockey Hunk Character List

_nathaniel "tate" michaels_ - an iraq veteran fox who lost his leg 'out there'. currently re-educating as a web designer. he lives in kirk city with his comrade in arms, marker.

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