A Bronze Rising: New Territory
Pointless, meaningless lives. in a sense it was like watching fish in a tiny pool. those tiny beings down there, sheltered in the confines of their artificial home had no concept of the vast world around them. the trees, the wind, the sky.
Andross - A Villain Study
Some are content to live small, meaningless lives. they run about worrying about their bills, their kids, their homes.
Blank Verse Essay on the Haunting of America
The universe is meaningless until we break its silence. whatever we shout, the echoes of it spread forevermore our stories like the ripples in a pond. ...and what else is a soul, if tis not that? and what else is a ghost?
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 4 of 13)
"those signs are as meaningless as the celeste of yours." he faced the crowd again. "i saw others have children, but i never had them. i was too old i thought, i'd been made too long ago.
Freedom Fire Prologue: That Day...
There was an army of them there, and the dragon was glad his assault with spyro wasn't suicidal and meaningless at all.
Improve The Silence
Sometimes words are empty meaningless things tossed into the air and scattered by the wind. sometimes they are bullets that wound and kill the souls of all they touch. sometimes they are seeds that grow and sprout in the hearts of others.
Lives Intertwined: The Separation
They both have had some rough times, over silly meaningless arguments that were started by abby. "ven... i'm going to go to new york to visit my family. you sure you don't want to come?"
Cheerless Songs - By Nathan Iverson
Whether or not it was their fault they sank to this world is irrelevant as they are there nonetheless, sometimes as a reminder to cherish the things we have, however meaningless they may seem as life can offer the darker half when we least expect it.
**you cunt** _via_ his words _the_are meaningless. i may as well be dead already.
Sincerely, Me.
I've often found myself convinced that my life is now meaningless, and that the only thing left for me to do is die, but it seems as though every time i stand up on the rim of the valley and gaze down upon the jagged, unforgiving rocks that so eagerly await
Tales of Zootopia: Sax and Mikey
As he died, bleeding his last, he lamented the way that he wasted his life on meaningless safety, crying "i should have smelled the roses" repeatedly as he passed on.
Pure hell
You have meaningless sex to feel validated. your inner child is drowning in darkness and hopelessness. to avoid life's struggles you decided to get a taste of addiction. and you liked it. "trying can't hurt" you said.