Blood on the ice
"guess i should have made sure i got up ontime for once" he thought back to the evac shuttles leaving the planet to the once human mutants and shook his head.
The Simpsons: Diary of a Centuar
The Simpsons: Diary of a Giant Hermaphrodite Centaur Written by Silent Soul Ken Tags include: Shotacon, Lolicon, Growth, Hyper, Transformation, Radiation, Impregnation, Pregnancy, Odd Creatures, Swearing, Mild Violence, Teenagers, Futa, Gender...
Down on the Bayou - January Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
"the fuck kind of mutant are you then?" leatherhead said confused. "you ain't part animal?" "no. i'm the normal kind of mutant, not the result of forced-genetic mutation." he said. "name's victor creed." "victor creed.
Road Rovers: Captive and Bared (Prologue)
The two cano-mutants were laughing as they stopped outside of a heavy iron door of the cell they were instructed to imprison the rovers. both of them eagerly wanting to get on with their next order.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission
"...into mutants six years ago!!!" akane added in. "let's drink some!!!" mai shouted out. "what are you crazy?!" tafu shouted at her. "no." she replied, "if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!!!" "or a big pile of goo on the ground."
TOKYO ZONE Episode 7 Hiccups + The Sea monster
Reiji then took out his black bladed sword and slashed the mutant sea creature on the fore head as it left a huge slash mark. the chain of mai's kusarigama then unwrapped around the arm of the creature as it retreated into the sewers.
Summer Bucks the Trend: Chapter 8 (The End)
Summer had been thinking about his new status as a mutant. it occurred to him that in this community, mutants were classic scapegoats. they existed as the lowest caste only to be used to lift everyone else up above them.
The Lonely Watch
They get attacked by a lot of mutants. they don't like mutants." i replied, my arm wrapping her shoulder and i resting my cheek against the top of her domed brow. her scent drew in through the filters, and i felt my body tighten a little.
Nanowrimo: Flexible Survival 1/30
My job wasn't to break up mutant debates. they called me erik, last name copple.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Caught Between Horn and Tusk
The teenage mutant ninja turtles have saved new york city once ag-wha?"
The Romance of War Ch. 1: No Peace
He took it and tossed it at the hulking mutant, watching as it stuck to the creep's chest.
Experimentation - April Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
"i am kimahri, what is mutant?" "a mutant? a human born with preternatural traits that develop sometime around puberty." "kimahri not human. kimahri is kimahri." he said. "ah, kimahri. i am hank mccoy." he said as he reached out a hand.