The Madness of King Scar
scar asked, incredulously. "scar..." nala whimpered, but she knew begging would only make him _more_ adamant. "no, uncle," simba panted. he knew what scar could tell to nala, and then to the rest of the pride.
scars new friend
A taste of scar's pre seed "can't you um show me scar?
Scar's Dumbest Idea
, scar didn't hear any opposition regarding it.
Scar's Failed Expectations
scar growled, humping even harder within the hyena's throat. he growled even deeper, gritting his fangs against the rising pleasure, scar thrust himself as fast as he could.
Scar's old pack.
#1 of scar random story of scar's life before he left to live on his own and before he can talk so it well all be translated deathclaw talk. sorry if it seems short but i hope you all like what i made.
Bear Scars (HMOFA)
She points to the scars around her eye. \>"she got one lucky strike in, we can't dodge every blow that comes our way maddy. if we could have switched places i would have taken those scars for you without hesitation."
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 4
"So... I still have a few things I want to know. Can we sit down?" "Uh... sure." I replied. We walked over to the living room. There was a TV on the far wall, with a wooden coffee table in the middle of the floor and a couch. Cassandra picked up a...
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part I
She was going to ask. "...where did you get that scar?" _fuck._ this was my second greatest fear in my life. somebody seeing my scar, then asking about it. i took a deep breath and paused before answering. "it's a long story."
Destiny's Burden Ch.2
Chap.2: The Serpentine While going in the mansion to rest for the night, Lee found it was something else entirely.... A giant, dark room. With what seemed like ancient stairways on each side of the room; leading up to a higher floor. There...
Destiny's Burden
\*My first chap. of my new story. I hope everybody likes it. I'm a new writer so any advice, support, etc. will be much appreciated! Thanks! :D. Also, I have Lee's (main character) quotes are like this (\*) while other characters have (") just to avoid...
And as these scars run up my arms, the sword of damocles must drop.
Kinktober 2018 Day 23 - Scars
But just get comfortable, you're joining my collection, and you'll be on display for everyone to see those lovely, lovely scars.