A Country Outing

GET THE F\*CK OUT! Gwendolyn was pretty lucky. A young twenty something vixen, she had landed a plum job on Fleet Street right out of university. Working for one of Britain's major tabloids, her ability to both write and take pictures put her in...

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Tina's Story Chapter 42 Facing Death IV New Life

"Who was that?" Tina asked. She stood in the living room doorway, completely naked. "Your Mom" Ray replied "I tried to tell her you weren't feeling well, but she insisted on coming over. With your Dad and all, I wasn't going to say no." Tina...

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Tina's Story Chapter 41 Facing Death III

It was a quiet night on KC's street, as darkness fell. In the little townhouse where she lived, there was a light on in the entryway, and another in the upstairs bedroom.KC lay flat on her back, eyes closed, paws up, legs open, a little smile on her...

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Tina's Story Chapter 40 Facing Death II

In Part I, Stan Russel had a massive heart atttack at work. he was revived, but is in the hospital in grave condition. Tina heard about her father while out shopping with Ray, and rushed to be with him. At the hospital, she encounters Dr. Goldstein,...

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Tina' Story Chapter 39 Facing Death

First, a warning. this is a darker edition of Tina's Story. It would NOT be a good place to start the series. Similarly, if you've had a hard day, and need a little lift, put this one aside for later. Stan Russel lay lifeless on the cold...

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Tina's Story Chapter 38 Payback

First, a bit of news for Tina's fans. There have been some who have expressed a wish to actually SEE Tina. Today, I saw a first sketch of a commision, showing Tina in a scene from one of her most popular stories. From what I saw, it'll be worth waiting...

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Tina's Story Chapter 37 I Love You

It is lunch hour, and everyone is doing their thing. Colleen has Lydia in her office, KC is in the break room with Rosa. KC is not really fond of Rosa, but you don't always get to choose your work friends. Tina wandered downstairs to visit Ray in I.T. ...

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Tina's Story Chapter 36 Almost home

The big morning was finally at hand; Ray and Tina were at the lawyer's office to close on the perfect little cottage. Ray wore khakis, and his 'special occasion' blue blazer; Tina had on a smart looking tweed suit, with a white shell underneath, along...

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Tina's Story Chapter 35 Preperations

It is early on a weekday evening. Ray and Tina are at home. Ever since she became pregnant, Tina has been a hybrid hot water bottle. Tonight, she is laying on the living room floor, naked, belly down, tail in the air. She has pictures of their new...

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Tina's Story Chapter 34 Two's Company, Three's a Furpile

It was a cold, rainy night in the city, one of many to come. All Colleen wanted was to go home and kick off her shoes. But rest would have to wait; Colleen had a meeting to make. Colleen was headed to an AA meeting. The idea is to do 90 meetings in...

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Tina's Story Chapter 33 Making a home

Ray and Tina have left work a little early to go to the OB/GYN. Ray waits, while Tina is being examined. Tina has never liked doctor visits, but with her pregnancy, she is almost coming to terms with it....Tina is in the stirrups, receiving her...

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Tina's Story Chapter 32 The House Hunt

Ray awakens Sunday morning to something strange. As he gathers his senses, he realises that Tina is awake, and watching TV....and eating..... "Uh...morning...watcha eating?" Ray asks, groggily "Cap'n Crunch with chocolate milk" Tina answers,...

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