Second transformation

No one knows exactly how it started. Some say they came in a meteor, others that global warming awakened some form of ancient, and others that any number of different of divine entities were punishing us. The truth probably would never been known, but...


Transformation of the fox,

This is a work of fiction any likeness in this story whether it is name or action is purely coincidental. The subject is violent so please have some discretion. A Fox's Dream The old animal walked slowly through the darkening forest, his head hung...

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Dark transformation

A lone fox walks down a dark road his heart burning with hatred. His fur starts to turn from bright red to darkest black till it reaches his eyes which glow red and and turn the color of blood. With a long mournful howl he collapses on his hands and...

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A shocking transformation

Hey everyone, Eric\_S here again. Been forever since I've released anything mostly due to a combination of uni, work and other factors including starting things but never finishing them. Feel so rusty but hope you all enjoy...

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The Transformation Prologue

#1 of the transformation the prologue to my story called the transformation. let me know what all of you think and if you would like to be included in a future chapter or a different story altogether.

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Krystal Transformed

All transformation processes are done in different rooms and this room is pain slut transformation room."** ** "what is pain slut?"

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The Wheel of Transformation

Noah didn't need to see what part he hit, since he started to feel the last part of his transformation. his spine rearranged itself in a way that better suited a four animal. his clothes ripped as his body got bigger and fatter.

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fox transformation

#1 of fox transformation 2 foxes hide while the humans are out looking but when the humans are asleep they go hunting for food and a worthy human to turn into a fox.

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Transformed Tormentress!

This story was a comission for user: [night\_spore426]( who was kind enough to take a chance on a budding author, and provide the idea, and happenings in this tale of magicks gone crazy. Remember Vapist\_Panda is...

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Luminari transformation

With all the activity that's been going on in your life lately, you've been driven to a near breaking point. You can't seem to fix anything and every single day seems to bring more bad news that stacks on top, and there's only so much that can be done...


Enfield transformation

The feeling doesn't start out unpleasant. In fact, if anything, it's barely noticable as you're sitting at your computer. A bit of tingling in your legs, but hey, you've been sitting down for three hours, they might be getting a bit restless. Nothing...

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Transformation CYOA

You drink in a deep lungful of air, closing your eyes to further enjoy the smell of Spring all around you. After last night's storm, the scents of moss and trees and the songs of exotic birds fill the air. You open your eyes as you exhale. Golden rays...

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