My Slave Family- Chapter 9

Chapter Nine "A Trip To The Vet" By Furry Sith Lord School felt more like being a slave than how actually being a slave was. We needed permission for everything and were scolded for getting the wrong...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 8

Chapter Eight "No Good Deed..." By Furry Sith Lord Lou pulled Leggo into their bedroom leading him by his muzzle. When they neared their bed he turned and spoke to him while still holding his...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 7

Chapter Seven "Uncle Jon and the Struggle for Morality" By Furry Sith Lord "Hello?" Jon said into his cell phone after answering a number he did not recognize. At first he was not going to answer but then he was...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 6

Chapter Six "Leggo Meets an Old Friend" By Furry Sith Lord Leggo waved as he left his family and felt a pang of regret that he left them. He wanted to go shopping with the cubs and feared that Lou would make the...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 5

Chapter Five "Making Slave Cubs Feel Normal" By Furry Sith Lord Lou woke with a start as a hand caressed his bare bottom and when he tried to move, he found his hooves were tied to the bed posts. He was spread...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 4

Chapter Four "The Trouble With Lou" By Furry Sith Lord "I thought you were going to make them work the garden." Leggo said when they were alone in their bedroom. "Have you put... them to...

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My Slave Family- Chapter 3

Chapter Three "Our New Masters" By Furry Sith Lord We were finally locked back inside our cages as the sun was approaching the horizon. Normally we would be allowed to wash by reusing the water inside a large barrel of...

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My Save Family- Chapter 2

Chapter Two "My Brother and Me" By Furry Sith Lord I learned the hard way that being a slave is not fun and it is one lesson I never knew a cub would be taught. I came to learn I was wrong about a lot of things back...


My Slave Family- Chapter 1

Chapter One "What You Must Know..." By Furry Sith Lord If I want you to understand my story, I guess I should explain about my world. You may be reading this in the future and things could have changed dramatically....


Evil Rises- Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen "The Power Fur Ranger Con" By Furry Sith Lord We walked into the convention center and were blown away by the crowd of species that came here. Adults and cubs alike came to see The Power Fur Rangers and I even...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen "Tucking Tail" By Furry Sith Lord BH and the hunters ran until they left the campus and once they reached the forest, they set up camp. BH was trying very hard to be patient with them as they kept complaining that...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Three "Painful Memories" By Furry Sith Lord I sat alone in my room holding the letter addressed to dad and myself. Dad had already read it and gave it to me since I was mentioned in it. I really had nothing to do...

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