Chapter 3 - A New Memory, A New Life, A New Destiny
Thomas, will take you to the cafeteria. in fact i think after having some food; you should have a tour of the facility; get to know the place first", the major said comfortingly.
Workplace Conflicts. Part One.
Tunu said, quickly walking away from the cafeteria and the prying eyes of the other workers gazing toward his coughing self.
Inferno High - Chapter 2
Science and mathematics, art and music, literature and language, and the fourth building is the cafeteria and offices. for an added level of organization, each section had dorms for each class. the cafeteria is in the same quadrant as the senior's dorms.
The Reality Chapter 12
Maybe you should get something to eat in the cafeteria and then come back so i can take you back to the hotel." ren said. i nodded my head then went on to find the cafeteria.
Climbing Corporate Pt. 1
Welcome to the cafeteria, lith. come on."
Kathryns' story
Hospital cafeteria present day. "i saved his life terri; he would have died if i didn't listen to tammy. i know it sounds all illusion and seeing things i heard tammy talking to me.
Chaos in Jelasar CH.1 - How it all started.
Karen let out a small whimper as she looked at how busy the cafeteria was alone, none-the-less the rest of the ship. "i don't like where this seems to be going.."
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep03
Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on the scene, slowly gathering around the fallen katherine and wondering what was going on. "it's sasuga! she shocked her with something!"
We were the last animals in the cafeteria. - you know you can't hide it forever, right? - she asked. - i can't help it...
Portions by Numbers
Until he puts on five pounds, he will be taking leave in the back of the cafeteria, where i can closely monitor his progress."
Cindy's Truth
"first call for cafeteria volunteers. first call for cafeteria volunteers." she stepped out into the hallway, clutching her books to her chest. she could go to her next class. she could turn away from her fantasy, again.
Hidden: Epilogue
The cafeteria wasn't the first place i wanted to go to, but crane had insisted and i used the sinks to wash my entire arms while he made his food.