Taboo Fantasies Abound! M Human X M Nidoking X F Human X F Nidoqueen
The two nidos became shrouded in purple and gold drills of energy-the most powerful physical attack in play.
Changeling - Ferous Oxide CH1 -Escape from the Hedge-
The drill pierced his flesh at the temple drilling in slowly centimeter by agonizing centimeter. there was no end to the pain, even after the drill pulled out.
The Ultimate Man- Chapter 6
We still ran some drills, an "l cut drill" where we would "run" to the end zone then cut to the opposite corner, a gut pass drill where again we would "run" towards the disk being tossed at our chest.
The pain of Ultrawoman
.** ** adam stopped turning as zhang took out a drill. joseph retrieved a drill and passed a drill to adam.
The Loving Godfather
That way you'll be able to hear the program over the regrettably loud bone-drill. should the drilling noise still drown out the earphones, please make every attempt to read the written captions. your full cooperation is in everyone's interest, lance."
"The Thin Line," Part A
Now, i said it was not difficult to discern that my drill instructor was peeved at me; a little more difficult would have been an attempt to discern **why** he was peeved at me.
In The Army
I am drill sargent nadia!" "she can drill me any day" vince whispered, his duffle bag instantly riseing off his lap in a pointy arch. "you have signed up for this course which means you signed your soul into hell!
"you're gonna drill into my brain?" "no, of course not," reginald chuckled, sounding as jolly as santa claus. "shush, now." and he started to drill, going right between the holes of the ears. the drill bogged down as it chewed into the bone.
Control of Beasts
While slamming drill tornado after drill tornado straight into the large rocks, he imagines them to be those despicable dark generals and their subordinates.
Lonely Oak Chapter 48
He offered to give lyza a turn but she declined, because the drill looked really mean and she didn't like the noise it made.
As she put the drill bit to the final bolt. with it gone the top of the helmet went lose. she took the drill away and stood back. travis lifted his steel hand, grabbing the metal facemask and with trembling fatigue he removed it.
Orelai- Walking the Yard
These are not nearly as well disciplined as he would like and he does repeatedly drill into their commanders that they need to maintain order just like everyone else in the army.