The Big Sister Part One: Resentment

Act One: Resentment. Adriana walked down the drenched and soaked sidewalk as the wind would blow around her pink dress, her furry grey face, and her dark purple cape. While the rain had indeed cleared up, things were stilll far too wet for her liking....

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Maelstrom, Chapter III: Crown of Love

While roger deals with various giants running amok, he is up against a greater threat: an organization seeking to wipe the slate clean in order to recreate society to their liking.

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App Problems

Bomba is []( Iron is []( Iron slowly swiped through his phone, the brown coyote humming to...

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Leviathan Chapter Ten: The Splashers

It was fortunate that eating daughters was so effortless as leviathan knew she was getting to be a cumbersome kind of giant, even if she could float without effort in the vast oceans.

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YCHtober Day 14: Giant

Unfortunately, her crushing a few cars and destroying some properties with her massive height just added on to her bill from the city, but she didn't mind being a giant.

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Blue Skies

Kinks to expect: Size play, growth, excessive cum, dirty talk, giantess. Basically a whole lot of bigness just getting bigger all around! Blue was special, always had been. Ever since she could remember,...

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R/7 The Deep

The giant folds his arms behind his back and stands rigid. "if i believed that they could, i would have contacted them instead of you."

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Draykan and Persephone

Draykan's tongue finds just the right spot inside of her that the half-giant shifts just enough out of the way that the dragon has the opportunity to grab her and flip her over.

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Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Villains, Violence, and Various Errands #2

Obviously this was the work of a giant. yet giants tended to live in the deep forests, where there was enough game to physically support them and their insatiable appetites.

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Ottsel Rampage Revolution

Become a menacing giant that grows larger the higher you score, allowing you to smash even larger targets! be creative at how you destroy things! the better something gets destroyed, the higher the points, the bigger you get! the sky's the limit!

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Where Everyone Belongs*

Screams rang out as everyone began to flee, stampedes of furs trying to escape from the giant's view. a particular group though, namely a trio, caught vasek's eye, glaring down as he stomped off.

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Collars "So what did you want to show me Sero?" Gates, a brown fox leaned over, examining some of the test tubes and bubbling beakers in the lab. The blue and white collie, dressed in his usually lab coat, was looking alongside a shelving display for...

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