The katt looked at it for a moment before shrugging and giving reecie a toothy smile. "katt does not work for free, side services cost extra."

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Chapter 25: The Fifty-First Cerinian

Both were now very reluctant to make eye contact with falco and katt. **"thanks for understanding, guys."** "i'm quite sure you'll have your powers sorted out soon, krystal." katt assured. falco stood up and took katt's hand in his.

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Considering Retirement

katt then saw tamati enter the room and was completely starstruck by his looks and almost began to daydream until ammy grabbed him by the arm and kissed his cheek making him give a toothy grin before he pulled her in, then katt noticed both krystal and fara

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Tails of a Switch Character Sheet

She's married to jack and in a relationship with her best friend, katt. she can be controlling of her mates and always get's her way in the bedroom, which to say as rough and as wild as she wants. katt- mix breed, the son of a fox and a sand cat.

Battle Royale part 1

"katt right? you were with falco on this mission, what happened?" " was these four drones...they said they worked for someone named....uuhh egg something." "eggman?!?"

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 6 Movie Night

katt then showed up on screen again sucking falco's thumb. i even made an appearance after that holding an nes cartridge i just got from the flea market.

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Canine Mate Lovin' (A Canon Star Fox Story) Chapter 2

katt hadn't changed a bit with her pink fur, the jewelry worn, or the small amount of white hair on top of her head. the only difference was the outfit katt was wearing was more like what she would wear later on when reuniting with falco on titania.

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Chapter One: Shipwreck

The panther has gray fur and lighting yellow eyes, her name is katt. the wolfess that found him has scarlet red fur and has fiery red eyes, her name is phoenix. what phoenix and rest wear loincloth top and bottom.

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Chapter 37: Resolutions

The blue-furred feline had at one time vied for katt's affection during her initial rocky relationship with falco, and it seemed that he never held it against the bird that he had in the end won katt's love.

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Chapter 36: Aftermath

"aunty katt?...." charles ran a hand through the pup's head fur between his ears. "i'm sorry, marcus. but your aunt katt is gone."

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Chapter 22: A New Generation

katt asked sympathetically. "not quite, but he was getting there." krystal replied. "marcus did really good all morning until just a while ago." katt withdrew a chicken sandwich from the cooler and handed it to marcus. "here you go."

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