I already knows what's coming next. > > i saw mother deploying her missile pod and start firing continuously. hellfire missile, but wait, those are not normal missile. they are more agile than i taught. > > missiles locked.
Cat's Cradle(teaser) - Furtual Horizons
The screech of scratching metal clashed against the rumbling sound of the missiles, echoing throughout the metallic corridor. arching and rolling his body as he ran, the missiles slid past his sleek form.
Krystal and Chase: Evacuation P3
The calibers came around for a second attempt, releasing several dark colored missiles with a sinister looking red tail. ultima missiles!
Chronicles of Sol: Smuggler's Run
The interceptor fired repeatedly into the blocky missile battery, but even as jaime attacked, the missile battery launched a full spread of untargeted missiles, apparently aiming to just catch the attackers head on.
Sonic X. The Wealth of Friends Chapture 1: They Came into Town on a Steel Horse.
"firing missiles" said the robot and fired the missiles. "we are done for!" cried fara. the x-tornado then fired 4 missiles and its machine gun at the missiles and robot destroying 5 missiles and distracting it.
Shadow Stalkers: Hellcat
She fired her first missile, then her second, and a traal fighter exploded, the wreckage wheeling away past her. more traal fighters appeared, and the second missile was destroyed before it could hit its target.
The Patchwork Soldier Part II
Shaking the detritus out of my fur, i heard the distinctive "foomp-fwissshhh" of another missile launch. there just had to be a missile launcher there... i groaned.
Chapter 15
Fury cruiser fleet count-10 size-8km armament-four lance batteries, ten rail-guns, two hundred pilum missile launchers, fifteen guardian point defense flack gun batteries.
One Wrong Turn-VI
Anti-missile counter measures were now operational, though it seemed the alliance missiles were emitting a scrambling signal, it was only by saturating the incoming field with ‘flak bursts' that two of the missiles were destroyed; the third however struck
Starting Anew Chapter 6
He closes with the elf and fires a missile. he watches the missile streak in and then blinks when the fighter shoots the missile out of the sky, only just barely managing to dodge the shots fired at him as a response.
Angels and Sinners
However, the last missile continued, banking sharply towards the 150 as it banked as well. sarah looked up watching the missile close; her life flashed in front her eyes as the missile closed to the final seconds before impact...
Show Me What You Got
Instead, icefyre peeled another missile silo and pulled out a second missile.