Why There are Shadows

_**From the darkness of the shadows Where the demons lurk in waiting Lies an abyss of nothingness That traps Hope behind steel grating.**_ _**Hope had become an exhibit In a zoo of lost dreams. They cried With fur soaked in the blood of...

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Poetic Threesome

She was young, beautiful, and full of life. It was her wish, to someday be someone's wife. However, that was to be, a long ways away. As she loved to have fun, almost everyday. She would meet them anywhere, especially the mall. ...

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Beautiful Twilight: POP

Beautiful Twilight: Pop The bar was packed, the staff was stacked, and the line to get in was around the building and back. A mouse, a rat, a doe and a mutt, The girls of twilight began to run low on smut. Spark had the show! She had...

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The Prat in the Hat

It was morning and as the sun rose, a boy was at his front window, glass pressed against his nose. Today was the day, the 14th of June, and his parents were leaving for town oh so soon. They would be gone most of the day, giving him plenty of time to...

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All around me Are these faces Reminding me of places in my memory Places that I wish to be To be free from these shackles I put on myself Tellin' myself I'm doin' it for me While I just sit there, left to die and to atrophy Walkin' around like a...

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The Broken Man

Cold skies And shivering sighs; Lonely nights And dimmed lights; A bit of wine To help pass the time; To make me forget That I've lost what was mine Shadowed walls And empty halls; Blinking reminder: Ten missed calls; Another drink,...

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Free verse, but has some structure to it, because i like rhyme schemes and such. haven't written a poem i've deemed decent enough for uploading anywhere in a few years, so kinda nervous about this and the next few.

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Happy Animal Nursery Rhymes

I thought maybe i could make a bunch of adorable rhymes/poems that could wind up in a children's book. dreams don't tend to happen... but dreams don't get forgotten.

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Angels and Demons

First of all, this isn't nesicarily a story but this was the catagory it fit best in. Second, this was written some time ago and may or may not still reflect my views theology wise. An original work, any use or reproduction without permission with...

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From Me To You

Take this time, and take it down. Wrap it all up, like a beautiful gown. And after the storm you musn't touch. Your lips pressed together, listen and hush. If it dances and thrives, let it be, But let it go, she can't breathe. Where did...

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Gift for my wonderful iRenia

_ **Alas, I have found it---** _ _ **A sign of victory!** _ _ **An end to loneliness** _ _ **By your gaze unto me.** _ _ **A dip of your delight** _ _ **To fill my vacant heart** _ _ **As the starved traveller** _ _ **Receives a new...

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Reclaiming Kingship

I wrote this a while back and just now decieded to type it up and post it. fun little bit, enjoy. ---Reclaiming Kingship Pt.1--- There once was a box, and in this box lived a fox, this fox had only rocks. Set in stone, he used to sit upon a...

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