A simple story II part 5
senior was looking for how to start the conversation. « you read the letter i guess. - and saw the picture. » senior shook his head. the tone of francis did not change. but his gaze was evolving.
The Big Bang
That year, thanks to the forking fiasco, lhs seniors lost their senior privilege of driving off-campus for lunch (big whoop).
The Start of Something New: 7
Though i was still scared i walked the same pace as khile and finaly we were right next to the other seniors and finally the spokesperson said "thank you seniors for the best year of football and we wish you the best in life."
Revelations (Ceil's Journey Part IV)
In the event of an untimely death, the senior mages convene and choose the next arch-mage. lianea hadn't chose a successor so the task fell to the senior mages.
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 36
senior doberman blushes and then rubs my head fur then with the lateness of the hour he heads up to his room to sleep. wolverine comes into the room carrying my crutches and he passes them down to me.
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 30
"wolfie, i have failed senior doberman, i have failed you but what is worse for me is the fact that i have failed our son.
Sutured Claw
Oleed fell onto his rear as the claw broke, while the senior guard caught pasha.
The Cat's Stroll 23
"this is senior cao," li ling introduced the cat. "oh, he is a senior! senior cao, please forgive my over-familiarity. my name is wan huanchi." the dog bowed slightly, mimicked by those behind him. they all were acting quite respectfully. "wan?"
QCP: NS-03 Graduate Level Mission
senior maverick known as whistleplix.
Before Fang
I quickly make my way to the showers, clothes under my arm but once i am out in the middle of the locker room i am pounced on by the senior.
Wolfie Steel: Private Eye, Part 1
Leo comes back into the house with senior doberman right behind him; linkin just stands there and shakes his head as he begins to speak.
The Cat's Stroll 21
"senior cao, what a happy coincidence to meet senior here." "un." li ling was as pretty and graceful as always, with a hint of heroic air around her.