Roommates! : It started with a few drinks..

I get it, yeah, we should talk about it," calem interrupted clumsily, rather having to talk about it than for cain to finish his oh so appropriate sentence."i don't know... it's just..

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Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others

For example, in that previous sentence i could have written "to modify words in ways that aren't really necessary." strictly speaking, 'really' doesn't need to be there. it doesn't change the meaning of the sentence, it simply adds emphasis to it.

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An Era of Chivalry 10 - Trials of Patience

With a shame that weighed down upon him from the eyes of the audience, he sat back beside glenn, the only one to smile at him as the sentence was passed.

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Ch. 1: The Book

_ there was a dotted line beneath the sentence, left for reply. dean re-read the last words. _'lord of fire'_ he read. he thought: 'this must be a joke.' and put the book down, in search of a pen.

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Chapter 5: Memorial

And when she awoke the next morning, refreshed and aware of herself as she had not been in a week, the sentence played one final time.

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Witch Hunt

And even if by some miracle they were found innocent of being witches, the mob would sentence the foxes and the panther to death anyway.

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Isaac did end up being convicted of his various crimes, being sentenced to several years in prison. the reverend suffered a similar fate, although his sentence was more like a decade. lars and riley eventually both graduated.

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The Legend of Spyro: Brothers Until the End, Chapter 1

Her sentence, was cut of short when the hatchling put his paw on tria's muzzle, smiling.

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This is your sentence, first you will serve a two year sentence in the guard. it is two years as you are still required to attend regular schooling, but you shall have no free time.

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Troubles of Love, part 3

Mathias, the bull, had been sentenced for ten years in federal prison for the assault. he had also been given another five years for resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. he would be given no bail and no early release.

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Scratch Post 1 - Inner Editor

As if to prove my point, in the previous sentence i paused and rewrote when i decided it was not good enough. the inner editor won that point. touche. on to the next sentence, return to positions and en garde once more. parry, parry, thrust, thrust.

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Run: One helluva mess.

The other woman mumbled her last sentence, said her goodbyes, and went to rouse the cops.

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