The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 2
Hellhound berated the spider, liquid mess splattering all over the spiders' face. 'p-p-ple-ease, cease your defecation on me, i'll be good!' the spider thought-spoke to the werewolf. "gimme a short answer, followed by 'sir!' next time, boy!
The white and black flowers
He took his time teasing the white spider but reached to spread those white cheeks and expose the pink hole between then. licking his lips before going down on it. the black spider took time preparing his lover, as did the white spider with his member.
Secrets of the Cave
He breathed hard when the spider noticed, "oh, well i wouldn't want you to leave unsatisfied," the spider wrapped one hand around his cock and then the fox closed his eyes and moaned as his cock sprayed cum all over the two, landing mostly in the spider's
Return to the Caves
Almost instantly, he had relaxed, accepting his possition under the spider, accepting his fate as the spiders fuck toy.
Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance
Rarely did spiders play together with one another when giving shows; however, when dancing was involved, nearly all present did something to contribute. spiders never gave dancing performances. it was a strictly social activity.
Beneath the Mistlebells 2
"that's how many spiders call this nest their home," the spider said, proudly. "that is, i'm sure, what you were wondering?" "i dare say, mister spider, that i was given little time to wonder much at all about this tree-top retreat."
Mythical Beasts of the Border Wood
The ogre spider topples and crushes the witch spider on top of it in the process. the witch spiders utter what sound like curses as they glare at sakura.
The Guardians Shadow ch11
The spider wailed out again as the rounds pierced the skin, but didn't pass through and out the spiders hide.
The Trials of Inkblot Fox - Part 2
She struggled against the webbing, the spiders, and the weight of her own body. the spiders hissed at her in reply, speeding up their efforts to lay all their eggs before she broke free.
Muffet's Secret Ingredient
That was all the spiders gave him before they started tickling him again. # greg wasn't sure if it was one day or two by the time that the spider girl came back.
spiders that came from the surface long long ago. then after their domestication, we began to breed them for a majority of perpouses. the mother spider of this brood was grune, a female spider who stood as tall as me. she was born and raised in captivity
Beta Decay: Into the Spider's Web
A spider has landed there. sitting, quietly. its as if the spider can talk to me, saying "you know its true." but, i don't know what it's talking about, or if there's a spider at all. it could just be the effects of the acid blotter i ate.