The Relliard Mansion ---- part one
The Relliard Mansion Art and Story by: Diodki666 Rewritten by: Ainoko Ironrose 1 Legend has it that many years ago a group of nine intrepid and adventurous furs dared each other to go and spend Halloween night in an old, rotten mansion that was...
(story.NoHeros) Prologue
The lupine tried to get as much air as possible while being held up, his intact arm grasping the deadly paw that suffocated him. "stupid little mutt," the jet black werewolf muttered in a low, rasping voice, or what some would say to be "normal".
Jerrod II
_ she seethed as her molten anger threatened to suffocate her. she wanted to hit something, break things, torture, kill, do _something_ to timothy's father. _goddamnit, all men are bastards!!_ she screamed in her head.
An Unusual Vacation
He knew if enya caught him and tried to eat him, the poison oak would make her throat swell up and she'd suffocate. however, even though she'd die, dylan would also die as well if she ate him.
Lost in the Woods 15: Rescue
And if the captor hadn't pulled out when he did, he probably would have suffocated anyway. suddenly, something small and blue caught his eye. it was peeking around the corner of the entrance to the room.
M'ress - ever hopeful
M'ress might suffocate too, throat full of prey, but if not the swallowing would continue once she woke up.
Preparing the Games
As long as they keep on moving forward they can breathe, but when they stop or can't control their movement, they are going to suffocate. does this sound good?"
POV vore - you, M'ress and Yellowstripe (UB)
If you weaken, let go, she'll suck the rest of you and in and you'll suffocate. correction, suffocate and be digested.
Mancub's End
If the man cub didn't shoot his load in time or not at all then kaa allowed him to suffocate to death. either way the man cub was still eaten.
Fangs and Tusks [2/?]
I reckoned that pecs were so big, he could suffocate someone with them if he wanted to. i stopped when i heard his gruff voice utter, "someone's a little forward." i immediately moved my hands away and blushed profusely.
The sun comes up
Without any destination in mind we bundled into the car late that night and just drove, drove away from the memories, from the sadness that seemed to be clinging to every corner of the house and begun to suffocate us.
Don't Sleep 2: Primal Text Game
You quickly find your throat filling with cum, overflowing up from your lips and running down into your body, forcing you to either swallow its slimy load or suffocate.