Resolution 1295
Leroy was standing with the band of survivors, as if saying "i will fight with you, just don't shoot me." the band of survivors began their onslaught. chapter 3 : the fall of russman "help! i'm down" cries misty. "misty!"
Left 4 dead: Introduction
The three other survivors stayed close to each other, shoving infected that were coming too close, shooting those that were at a distance.
The Protector chapter 4: Terminal 666
"no garis. we have to get the survivors on the plane first... we can worry about all of the demons after..." dragonite whined. "sonya fifteen minutes left..!" garis nods. "right.. survivors first... demons second... all right.. lets go..!"
The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 5
**influence (12) to interact with the survivors.
Brothers, or more? part 6
Chris just laughed at josh as they continued to look for survivors. it wasn't very successful, and chris could tell josh wasn't amused with dead bodies everywhere. "are you sure that you still want to search for survivors?
Furry takeover AI version.
The survivors, a diverse group of individuals with unique skills and backgrounds, banded together to fight this eerie menace.
Project anti-xenomorph part 1
To the ground and dragged the single survivor off into the shadows as the group became that of only one which became that of a young girl running into a room where a capsule was, within it looked more of a normal human where the head was until she saw the
Survivor - PERM Edition - Episode 4
#4 of survivor - perm edition and now, for your viewing pleasure, we have episode 4 of survivor! the survivors start to learn that no one in safe.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar's Milestone 1b
One of the survivors called, "the gryphon killed her husband!" "enough!"
Wolfen - Chapter 3
Just a little while after they put the survivors in shelters and settled down, the three others that were sent out returned, but they didn't have anyone else with them. "we arrived at the scene of the attack, but the survivor was gone."
Wolfen - Chapter 3
Just a little while after they put the survivors in shelters and settled down, the three others that were sent out returned, but they didn't have anyone else with them. "we arrived at the scene of the attack, but the survivor was gone."
Survivor - PERM Edition - Episode 5
#5 of survivor - perm edition for your viewing pleasure, episode 5 of survivor! jack is far from infallible and it seems that another little faction is forming within the group of survivors.