Astaroth part #4 A New World and a New Nightmare

He told them about a small cave just three mile from their current position so he guided them to the shelter telepathically, making sure they wouldn't be surprised by any predators.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 7

Even though not all cubs are capable of sending telepathically, any developed psionic ability at all will allow for receiving telepathic signals." "some new parents are concerned that their cub may have no psionic abilities.

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Chapter 23: Fulfilling Needs

I'm really not sure what to say, even though kei and i know marcus has been speaking to our children telepathically."

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Tales from Silicon City 1: Mentalrix

Ptsd is a possibility, as are any compulsions she picked up from telepathically interacting with her foes.

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Journey to Hecatompylos

Especially if they were telepaths. stories had perculated through the kingdom that psions, especially telepaths, could walk undetected and it was tough to forge laws against them.

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Transformed Struggles- 6

The barrier basically prohibits them the use of any telepathic ability other than the ability to talk telepathically until they've hopefully matured enough that they can handle their abilities appropriately."

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From Wild to Tame

Abra used his telepathic power to put two egg vibrators on top of kirlia's nipples. "..." kirlia squirted like there was no tomorrow.

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Chapter 21: Marcus

"while it is known that my wife is a telepath, and many have heard that i'm telepathically bonded to her, few know how deep that bond goes." "yes, i had heard that you two mentally communicate." krystal spoke up.

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2.3 - Real Time

"i shouldn't think a telepath would need any elaboration whatsoever." "a common misconception," the bat explained. "i can only sense generalities. basic information.

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Chapter 8: Bliss

"that is why i was having fox practice these telepathic exercises you've seen us do these past two weeks. since he's not a telepath, i knew the bonding would be even more overwhelming for him than it was for me."

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Golden Delicious

Eyes closed, already feeling the tug of slumber, she telepathically ‘thought' back to him: and you said i can't cook ...

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...And Under Tail

I could have gotten you what you needed~ his telepathic voice came across as playful, as it usually did during their 'games'.

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